Thanksgiving decorative lights are becoming more widely available in more styles.
Thanksgiving is a major holiday that falls on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. In Canada the date Thanksgiving is celebrated is the second Monday of October. The central part of a Thanksgiving celebration is food.
As for decorating, Christmas is the time for many major decorations to appear. Halloween is a distant second place holiday when it comes to decorations. Since decorations are time consuming to place out Thanksgiving often comes up short, with perhaps decorations displayed indoors to be enjoyed during the meal in the dining room. But this is changing.
A few years ago, inflatable lawn decorations appeared.
Now there are fall theme festive lights available, and it seems there are more fall lights than I have seen before being advertised. These can be displayed in a window, and in some cases even outdoors. Or, they can enhance the dining room. The important thing is they exist, and perhaps herald a whole new season for those of us who appreciate holiday decorations.
Thanksgiving in stores is difficult because when Halloween passes Christmas decorations take their place.
Driving through areas with many jouses decorated is a great treat, and some public parks also get into it.
Nice decorations, you know it seems Thanks Giving Decor is hard to find in stores, brick and mortar that is... I am thrilled to decorate for this family holiday, Thanks Giving is my favorite celebration of family. I host it and love sharing the best of the holiday with family and friends I typically do not see throughout the year.
These are just absolutely wonderful. We don't go in for lights much in UK . We scarcely see houses decorated outdoors at Christmas. It just hardly happens. It is something we just don't do. These are so jolly and lovely though. Thank you for posting.
As for mercury glass, I was concerned by the name so I looked it up. Apparently in the 1800s before mercury was known as dangerous it did contain mercury. The name became associated with the style of adding selectivity into the pieces. The modern pieces, which may not contain a double wall, do not contain mercury, nor did the tableware of older pieces, using silver nitrate and grape sugar in a solution. I am not modern pieces are true mercury glass, which means maybe there is no inner wall between pieces of glass. The term is not quite the same as it originally was intended. I found the pieces attractive, so I looked it up before displaying a product with such an ominous name.
The lights are for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and fall, although not scary. I believe including Halloween is just a marketing ploy, but for small children who are easily scared they may work for Halloween.
I used pieces not scary and focused on Thanksgiving. Fall also works as a setting.
blackspanielgallery, Thank you for the practicalities and products.
Can you tell the difference between older, real mercury glass and newer, non-mercury mercury glass? Do you know what the successor reflective material is?
Isn't it economically lovely that leaf- and nut-themed string lights work for mid-October through November? They represent a reassuring welcome in the midst of scary Halloween decorations.