The Barnes and Noble Nook

by pkmcr

The Barnes and Noble Nook could rival the Amazon Kindle especially with their Nook Color. Is it a serious rival and would it be the best ebook reader for you?

Although there appears to be a dominance of the eBook Reader market by the Amazon Kindle there are other options which you may find of interest.

The Barnes and Noble Nook includes features such as the built in library of eBooks, Wi-Fi connectivity and full-text browsing whilst in Barnes and Noble stores and of course the color touch screen which makes it worth considering for many people.

A Barnes and Noble Nook Review

Is The Nook A Serious Competitor for The Kindle?

The Nook offers much of what Kindle offers and more with the main features being:

  • 7.7 x 4.9 x 0.5 inches in size,
  • 12.1 ounces,
  • 3.5 inch color touch screen  LCD,
  • E-Ink paper-link display,
  • Up to ten days battery life,
  • 2GB storage with expandable slot,
  • Photo galleries,
  • Supports ePub, PDF, PDB, JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP and MP3 files

Let's take a look at the Barnes and Noble Nook in a little more detail.

The Barnes and Noble Nook eBook Reader

A Different Type of eBook Reader from Barnes and Noble

If you have been looking at the Amazon Kindle then you will find that the Barnes and Noble Nook has many of the same features.  So you will find access to a big library which includes thousands of eBooks, newspaper and magazines. You will also get the benefit of built in wireless access but with an added benefit!  When you are in a Barnes and Noble stores, you will be able to browse the text of books in full.

Without question what sets the Nook apart from other eBook readers is the color touch screen which makes it more attractive to many.  You also get the benefit of an expandable memory which could be incredibly useful if you fill up the memory that is included.  The included memory provides the ability to store something in the region of 1,500 books.

The Nook also incorporates various features or functions which really do take it beyond being just an eBook reader. For example you are able to customize your screen savers,  create unique photo galleries and read books from local libraries.

One of the really interesting features, which addresses a frustration that I have with the Kindle, is that you can lend eBooks to friends (who have their own Nook) free of charge, for up to 14 days.

That is just like being able to hand a paperback or hardback book you have bought to a friend.

To some extent with the features they have incorporated it was inevitable that Barnes and Noble would have some issues. Users have been quick to let them know about them and Barnes and Noble worked quickly worked to release upgrades that tackled the problems.

One thing you do need to be aware of is that you cannot download eBooks when outside of the US, even with the Wi-Fi connectivity.

Overall, if you want an eBook Reader with additional features such as the color screen and will not want to download eBooks outside of the USA then this could be a definite competitor to the Amazon Kindle.

Buy Barnes and Noble Nook

Barnes & Noble NOOK Color eBook Tablet
Barnes & Noble NOOK Color eBook
Barnes & Noble
$45.99  $80.0

Choose From The Best eBook Reader Options for You

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Updated: 05/27/2013, pkmcr
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Have You Considered The Barnes and Noble Nook As Your eBook Reader?

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Digby_Adams on 11/05/2011

I own both the NookColor and Nook Simple Touch. The major issue I have with them is the lack of a 3G connection. There are times when we aren't in a WIFI environment and it's hard to find one. The number of LendMe books for Nook has all but disappeared. Of the last 100 books I bought (bestsellers and newly published books) only FOUR were lend me. And the price of the e-books has skyrocketed. When I bought my first nook over 2 years ago the price for a bestseller was about 9.99. Today all of the major authors are usually $13.99, $14.99 or for the Steve Jobs book it was $17.99! So I'm using my favorite function from the nook - I'm borrowing the books for free from the public library. We'll see how long that lasts!

pajs64 on 10/07/2011

With Kindle Fire 199$ price tag I would rather decide to go with Amazon.

WordCustard on 06/10/2011

I have to admit, I love my Kindle, but that colour screen on the Nook looks so appealing.

AJ on 06/03/2011

There's such a choice of ebooks now, have you heard of the KOBO? It has a lot of the new Nook features, including a touch screen, so this too could start to rival the Kindle.

I have to admit I do think that a range of manufacturers is good for the consumer, because it helps to bring the price down and that has certainly happened since the Kindle first came on the scene.

Dianne on 06/02/2011

I can see where the color might be good if you are looking at cook books. Hmmm, I was set on a Kindle but now I don't know. Have to think about it some more.

pkmcr on 06/02/2011

Good question Carol. The E Ink technology is much the same as that used on the Kindle 3 and the reports are that contrast is just as good.

petunia on 06/02/2011

I have considered the Nook, but right now I am happy with my Kindle. I do think children would enjoy the Nook more, simply because of the color and the touch screen. I know my grandchildren would much rather I have a Nook!

Stazjia on 06/02/2011

Interesting - it's certainly got more features than the Kindle. I'm indifferent to having colour on an ebook reader. I mostly read novels and they aren't big on pictures of any kind, let alone colour ones. I suppose it's moving towards an ipad which might be where all the current ebooks readers end up. What's the text like on the Nook? Is it as good as the Kindle's?

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