The Linear Equation and Related Equations and Inequalities

by blackspanielgallery

This is a good place to start algebra, and give enough examples why the basic linear equation is used in more advanced techniques.

The linear equation is a cornerstone of algebra. Many other concepts can be reduced to linear equations, often by applying a few as one added idea.

The video that is shown below goes through a progression of complexity. I have examples that start with as few as one step. The progression takes the viewer into multiple step examples, and these include examples with symbols of grouping like parentheses and fraction bars.

It is obvious the symbols of grouping must be removed early in the solution process. To achieve this there is a need for the distributive process, a(b + c) = ab + ac.

Examples also include the special cases of those equations with no solution and those equations that have all real numbers as solutions.

Linear Absolute Value Equations

Linear absolute value equations evolve into two linear equations.  Textbooks often just state these two linear equations, but one added step makes their origin more understandable.  This is all well covered in the video.


The video covers the case of an equation having two absolute value expressions, and the four equations that they produce.  Those four equations reduce to two equations, which is also explained. 


The absolute value video also goes into the equations that have no solution, and why they do not have any solutions.

Linear Equations

Absolute Value Equations

The Absolute Value Inequality

Linear inequalities are worked much like the linear equality problems.  The main difference is the fact that multiplication by a negative number reverses the symbol of inequality, which is explained in the video. 


Because the technique for solving the linear inequality is so close to the technique used for the linear equation, the few differences are included in the linear absolute value inequalities video.


 The differences include the change in the direction of the inequality symbol that has a reversal due to multiplication or division by a negative number.


The video discusses the linear absolute inequalities, and why one of the two linear equalities that evolve from an absolute value inequality has an inequality symbol reversal.  The video also discusses the difference in inequalities using the “less than” symbol and those inequalities using the “greater than” symbol.


The video also goes into the absolute value inequalities that have no solution and those with all real numbers being solutions.

Linear Absolute Value Inequalities

The Rational Root Theorem

The rational root theorem gives us a method of solving many higher order equations by reducing them to several linear factors, each of which can produce a linear equation.  I have included the video here that gives this powerful technique, and this topic is often taught in college algebra.

Rational Root Theorum

Logarithm Equations

I also have the video on logarithm equations published, and this also often reduces to a linear equation.  The technique here has several added steps, and solving logarithm equations requires knowledge of the laws of logarithms. 

Logarithm Equations

Other Techniques that Often Reduce or Significantly Incorporate Linear Equations

Many algebraic techniques quickly lead to the linear equation.  Among them are systems of linear equations, factorable quadratic equations, many radical equations, many exponential equations with a common base, and even many rational equations. 


Because of the many problems that can utilize linear equations, it is important that the technique of solving the linear equation be mastered thoroughly.

Exponential Equations

Keep Watching for More!

I am planning to add other articles with more videos embedded.  These will be forthcoming. 


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Updated: 08/16/2024, blackspanielgallery
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blackspanielgallery 24 days ago

The early courses, college alg, trig, math for lib arts majors, ele ed math, finite math, discrete math, calculus, pre calc, first diff eq course, and linear algebra (Matrices) are freshman or sophomore courses.

DerdriuMarriner 25 days ago

Thank you for your comment below in answer to my previous observation and question.

The eighth comment box to your wizzley Limits mentions freshman and sophomore college math courses.

What might those courses be about? Would they start with algebra?

blackspanielgallery 25 days ago

When I started teaching there were two remedial courses, intro algebra and intermediate algebra, which were later called foundation courses because remedial had a bad connotation. They were high school level for students too weak for college level math, and did not count for credit. Then came college algebra and trig or discreet math, depending on one's major, which served as math requirements for many. In my case those courses did not count. Both physics and math started with calculus, then differential equations. After that we picked from the more advanced courses. Engineering and chem were in our position, nothing less than calculus counted.

DerdriuMarriner 26 days ago

Thank you for your comment below in answer to my previous observation and question.

College algebra as a "low level" course intrigues me. It isn't what I expected even as I mulled the "lower" aspect of your answer "College algebra or lower."

What would be lower than college algebra!?

blackspanielgallery 27 days ago

College algebra or lower.

DerdriuMarriner 27 days ago

Thank you for your comments below in answer to my previous observations and questions.

Your answer seven boxes down advises us that "The exponents of like bases determine an equation. Some few in low level courses might lead to other equations."

What are examples of "low level courses"?

blackspanielgallery 27 days ago

Yes, and also no solution inequalities.

DerdriuMarriner 28 days ago

Thank you for your comment below in answer to my previous observation and question.

Does the definition below of special apply also to special-cased "equations that have all real numbers as solutions"?

blackspanielgallery 28 days ago

Here it means something else, the condition, must be thought about. Rote, unthinking work does not work. Students can go through the method and not understand what has happened, especially not distinguish one case from the other.

DerdriuMarriner 28 days ago

Thank you for your comment below in answer to my previous observation and question.

The last sentence in your introduction advises us that "Examples also include the special cases of those equations with no solution and those equations that have all real numbers as solutions."

The description "special" associates in my mind with less common occurrences within a pool such as of linear equations.

Is that the case here, that solution-less equations involve a small part of linear-equation manifestations?

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