OK – if you are a professional window cleaner and have not heard of a Bucket on a Belt, where have you been? These handy little pieces of window cleaning equipment are great additions to your professional arsenal and here’s why:
- They clip right to your belt and make for hands-free cleaning. No need to drag your window cleaning bucket around the worksite. You can load it up with some soapy water, your wetter and a squeegee. Stick a huck towel in you back pocket, a scraper in your holster and you are good to go. Easy.
- Even better than clipping to your belt, they clip to a ladder rung. Why is this important? Well, you can climb up to the top of 4 or 5 ladder sections, unclip your handy Bucket on a Belt from your belt and clip it to a ladder rung. This leaves your hands free to do other things, like cleaning windows and holding on to the ladder. Handy, eh?
- They save you money at the chiropractor’s office. That’s right. Carrying around 20 gallons of water in a professional bucket all day can really mess with your back. You can try to switch hands every time you pick it up so you do not continually pull to one side. Some window cleaners even prefer how the weight of an old school bucket is more balanced than that of a rectangular one. Or, you can just use a lightweight Bucket on a Belt.
- Buckets on a Belt (some people say BOAB, which is kinda silly) can save you footsteps throughout the day. Window cleaners log thousands of steps a day. Thousands. In fact, their shoe budget rivals that of any fashionista because they run through the soles so fast. Using this simple tool, can help save trips back and forth to a full size bucket to dip a wetter because Bucket on a Belt is right there on your hip.
- Reduce the risk of damage to your client’s carpets and furniture. When cleaning interior windows, you have to lug that professional bucket inside the house. Do you really want to set it down on white carpet or new wood floors? You can easily leave it in the kitchen, where it can do the least damage, and fill up your Bucket on a Belt. Reduce the risk of damage and keep your client (and insurance company) happy.
There you have it. Just 5 simple reasons why should you give a Bucket on a Belt a try. Window cleaners are always presented with new window cleaning supplies to try. Some work, some don’t. Some stay, some go. A Bucket on a Belt is a keeper.
In case you wanted to see it up close and personal...
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Well, my personal preference would be from the amazing team at Detroit Sponge but you can pick one up on Amazon or Ebay, too
You had me chuckling out loud with this one! Sounds like a handy item.
But you left one part out -- where do you get one?