Training Children To Become Entrepreneurs

by cmoneyspinner

At what age should one begin to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in children? Matthew and Adam Toren believe it's never too early.

According to, a proverb is “A short pithy saying in frequent and widespread use that expresses a basic truth or practical precept.” Here is a much quoted proverb about raising children. Quoted often and debated even more often.

"Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it."

Advice from King Solomon, revered as one of the wisest men in the world and credited with having been the author of most of the proverbs in the Old Testament book appropriately entitled "Proverbs".

Though the sage monarch was not specifically speaking with respect to money and finance, who wouldn't want to direct a young bright mind and train them how to be financially savvy and make sound money decisions? Matthew and Adam Toren have written books on how to direct these developing minds.

Oh wise king! I totally catch your drift.

The aforementioned quotation from Proverbs chapter 22 and verse 6, is my lead-in to introduce others, especially young parents, to two websites published by Matthew and Adam Toren who have walked the walk and can surely talk the talk!



Young Entrepreneur

As of November 2013, Young Entrepreneur, a social networking forum, has a Facebook page with over 125 thousand Likes. Each admiration acknowledgment has no doubt been earned and is deserved.


YE showed up on my radar back in March of 2011 when they shared the success stories of teenagers who participated in the Junior Achievement Program, a non-profit organization that educates youth about business and economics, with the aim of paving a path to enable young people to make positive contributions to the real world, by teaching them how to generate wealth, effectively manage it, and give back to their communities. In a more recent article the spotlight was on a child entrepreneur with a “passion for food and business”.


KIDPRENEURS motto is: "It's Never too Early!"

It's never too early to encourage young entrepreneurs with big ideas!!!

KIDPRENEURS was featured on NBC News (see video below). Their Facebook page is almost 4K strong. If it hasn't already been done – Sesame Street or similar educational television programs for children, should incorporate a "KIDPRENEUR Segment" in their shows.  That's my humble opinion.

The Brothers Toren

Matthew and Adam Toren are brothers who understand that teaching a child about sound money management is a critical part of training up children in the way they should go, along with teaching them about compassion, kindness and social responsibility. They started their entrepreneurial adventures when they were elementary school age (about 10 years old).

Can they get an “AMEN!” from all the wise and loving caretakers of young hearts and minds?

5 Ways to Teach Your Children to be Kidpreneurs (Infographic)


Entrepreneurs, Investors, Award Winning Authors

Publications by the Toren Brothers
Kidpreneurs: Young Entrepreneurs With Big Ideas!
Business Plus Media Group LLC
$12.95  $2.39
Entrepreneur Media Inc
Only $12.99


ability motivation attitude T-Shirt
ability motivation attitude T-Shirt

Financial Strategies Gleaned From Proverbs

Not by the Torens But Also Suggested
The Richest Man Who Ever Lived: King Solomon's Secrets to Success, ...
Crown Business
$19.97  $6.25

Like the Intro Image Photo?

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Thanks for Stopping By!

Updated: 07/10/2023, cmoneyspinner
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frankbeswick on 09/15/2017

You have hit on a key point, the need for help.It is certainly hard for a small business person to have all the skills needed for sucess in business. For example, I find setting prices hard and I am not a great negotiator.

Lord Sugar, the billionaire who does the British version of Donald Trump's "The Apprentice" says that he recognizes that there are business people and tech people [those with specialist knowledge] , and one person rarely has both sets of skills. I am not really a business person, but a self-employed tech person,a professional who is his own boss.

cmoneyspinner on 09/15/2017

@frankbeswick ~ I worked with a friend who had his own business at first. Since owning your business and being self-employed is sort of an American dream, I asked him why he left. He said simply: “No help.” The entire burden was on him. He had no employees. His wife had no skills and they were raising two young daughters. I understood. I never wanted the responsibility of owning a business. But circumstances in life change. I find myself self-employed. I'm glad my parents instilled a strong work ethic or an “entrepreneurial spirit” within me. Otherwise, I might be homeless. (O.o)

Thanks again for your additional remarks.

frankbeswick on 09/15/2017

When speaking to students about careers I often advised them to select a skill that they could trade on their own as a self-employed person, and I advised some to take up business training.

But it is vital that those contemplating business/self-employment should realize that they need ccommitment and much effort to make the business work. I recall getting up at five in the morning and driving across Northern England to be there for a meeting, from which I returned with four contracts in the bag. It is what you do if you want to have your own business.

frankbeswick on 09/15/2017

I suspect that Bilal had both advantages, for he seemed adept at business, but he had also learned from his family. I do think that having a family culture in which business skills are present is a great help, but it is not always necessary. Both Veronica and I have run our own successful small business operations, yet our parents always worked in state enterprises from before we were born, mother in schools and father for the council, then the Post Office.

cmoneyspinner on 09/14/2017

@frankbeswick - I'm sure many of us can recall similar stories. Some kids are "natural". They seem to just have that business acumen. But the good thing is that kids can also be taught if they are not gifted that way.

frankbeswick on 09/14/2017

I recall one lad, called Bilal, who was a natural entrepreneur. His father owned a small shop, and Bilal spotted a gap in the market, for the queues at the school shop at breaktime were long, so he brought in sweets and sold them. According to the rules I should have reported him when I found out, as this business was not allowed, but I bent the rules, for he was developing his entrepreneurial skills and no one was being harmed. He is now probably richer than any of his teachers, and he will have deserved it.

cmoneyspinner on 09/14/2017

The guys who wrote the books are "living proof". I think their parents got them started when they were 12 (or maybe younger). Thanks for stopping by.

katiem2 on 09/14/2017

I love this SO MUCH. Kids need every skill possible to enjoy a successful life. Life skills, work ethics and YES how to become entrepreneurs. This is such a great tool to teach and encourage follow through a much needed aspect of achieving goals and success, well done my friend, WELL DONE!

frankbeswick on 05/13/2015

Parents should encourage their children to seek their goals and have the confidence to achieve them. Encourage freedom and confidence. Help your children to identify their skills, and be prepared to be surprised by skills that you had not thought they had.

Always be aware that we work best and are at our most creative in activities at which we are happy, so help your children to find their happiness, and don't think that just because something makes you happy your children will find it a source of happiness. In my long, now completed time in teaching I have encountered some cases in which parents were imposing their own ambitions on their child, and this affects both boys and girls. No good ever comes of it.

Of critical importance is to let children find their individual path, rather than take the path that brings status to the parent. I have seen the damage that this causes.

CruiseReady on 05/13/2015

So glad to see this, and hope many parents of young children see it as well. The entrepreneurial spirit is no small part of what made America great. We can't afford to lose that in future generations.

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