"How Do I Know I'm In A Meditative State?"
Another brilliant concept I came up with that even made me take a second take was TripKnowlogy which is a blending of ‘Trip” or “Ride thorough your imagination” and knowledge or learning along the way. It essentially has the same exact connotation as “Tranquil” “Wiser” but TripKnowlogy is a bit different as it was invented to answer a very simple question my customers kept asking (before they listened to the CD) which was “How do I know when I’m fully in a meditative state?” My answer was, do you see that pink elephant? LOL kidding….
For some they would reach the ecstatic states of meditation but they wanted to know the exact moment they were in theta state (imagination is fully stimulated and vivid in that state, a sort of waking dream state). I pondered this for a while then came up with a way to show my customers they were in a meditative state in a very interesting way.
Imagine if you will, that you’re listening to a track with a very interesting beat, sound, and binaural beats feel to it. Now realize that when you listen to theta entrainment binaurals your brain will synchronize with the theta state (one of the main ingredients in most of my CD’s is theta entrainment or Hypnogogic entrainment (pure hynogogic entrainment is very intense so I step it up slowly in many of my tracks but there is one that is pretty powerful but not for the weak at heart or anyone who has sensitive ears).
Eyes Closed In A Dark Room- Seeing More Vividly Than Eyes Open In a Lit Room
Hypnogogic/Theta state is a state of vivid imagination, sort of like sitting in a room and realizing you have a clear picture of your living room in your head, and your eyes are closed so you look around (eyelids still closed) and are in a state of imagination so vivid you can actually see clearly your living room (from memory) in real time with your eyes shut in a pitch dark room. What really trips you out is when you are in the dark and open your eyes and what your real eyes see (not the minds eye) is less vivid than what you see when you close your eyelids!!!). This is an example of the power of theta brain state (where all creativity flows including dreams).
While listening, your slowly being ramped into a theta state, once there your brain is capable of seeing something that before was simply in a different dimension, invisible to the conscious mind but visible to the subconscious mind. When the mind sinks up with the subliminal sounds (which are not just subliminal they are binaural enhanced) you get an apparition/ghostly effect, sort of like a memory at the tip of your tongue but you can't connect it. What this does is two fold.
1. You know that your meditating because you hear the apparitions
2. You tend to try to hear them better through focusing on them, which improves your ability to absorb affirmations in the subliminal range as the subliminals I try to get into the same range as the tripknowlogy concept so the two would associate with one another (like two people in a room tend to at some point talk to one another)!
How it feels/sounds
Now you’re listening, relaxing, and your imagination starts to really go wild. Childhood memories that were once so distant seem like they happened yesterday (this happens because in a Hypnogogic state your memory associations start to become more specific and your able to trace them back. Everything in deep memory is still attached to some assoication and if other associations happen that connect to any memory you tend to flow down a path to that memory.
The wonderful thing about this is you can actually strengthen these associations over time and make them feel as vivid in waking state as in a hypnogogic one!), and all of a sudden the music starts to take on new and bold characteristics. You hear things that your not sure are actually there or not but you know you hear them.
What I’ve done here, and I won’t divulge how I did it because it’s a trade secret, is I’ve made it possible to hear certain sounds I’ve subliminalzed using a binaural beat carrier signal. The reality is you hear them subconsciously the whole time but they escape your conscious mindset. Once you are in theta brainwave state you will start to hear them consciously, but barely. Think of it like being in sync with the frequency of the data thus can read it. It's like trying to read in the dark then the light comes on gradually and you can see the book.
If you were to listen to the CD in random spots, even the first few minutes, you wouldn’t hear them unless you’d been entrained for about 7 minutes straight (so passing it to your friend who wasn't listening and saying "do you hear something there" won't work unless they start the CD over). What’s brilliant is you can listen to the track all the way through then have it loop and you’ll hear the stuff you missed in the first 7 minutes! If you stopped listening you'd break out of trance and have to ramp up again for 7 minutes.
Where do you come up with this stuff?
The idea came to me when I was at a department store and saw one of those pictures with scattered chaos and they tell you to stare in the middle with eyes unfocused for a while and you’ll see a picture in the middle. This was a very popular thing at the time and honestly I couldn’t see (still can't) the dam picture!
My original thought about this was I wanted to create a CD that would put me in a certain brain state so I could stand there and look but bam see the picture (like all my friends could do). I figured you entered a certain brain state of creativity before the picture would be seen, a sort of whole brain synchronicity.
While trying this experiment which didn’t work out so well, it gave me the idea- DO IT WITH A SOUND PICTURE! I had all these ideas like making a picture on my CD Jewel case that would be one thing initially and another picture would form in theta (still working on that one), but the question came once more in email “how do I know I’m meditating?” and the connection was made- TripKnowlogy was born that day. (tripknowlogy is Trip and Knowledge mixed)
One thing that sets my niche market apart from all of my competition is that I don’t simply use old technology to bring about entrainment, internal dialogue healing, or even give the “digital narcotics ride” experience; I strive to do things in a new way USING older technologies in a sort of synergistic fashion.
My company was first and foremost about listening to a CD that intrigues you, puts you in a very meditative place, and stimulates you highly. I've renamed my line “TranQuil-Wiser Holograms” because they actually feel like holograms with the way they fuse your imagination and sensory memory together. I use the entire 360 degree stereo channel spectrum to pull you into your imagination in a very interesting and vivid way.
My musical inspiration is Pink Floyd, LinkinPark, and R&B styles; mostly the strange feel of Pink Floyd is what I go for. I use sounds from my life (my cats purr meow water from faucets and so on) in my music and manipulate them to create stimulating effects. It's sort of like high speed photography but with sound and when you slow any sound to 15% it's no longer recognizable but it is a very intriguing sound to make music with!
:) powerful stuff
"Music makes the heart merry."