Unique Fish Tanks and Unique Fish Tank Accessories

by petunia

Unique Fish Tanks and Accessories help show off your fish raising hobby in the best light!

Frame Aquarium

Wall Frame Aquarium - Available in Silver and Black
Wall Frame Aquarium - Available in Si...

Unique Fish Tanks that Look Like Televisions or Computers

If you are in the market for a fish tank and it will be on prominent display either in your own home or business then consider purchasing a unique fish tank.


A quick search on the web for unique fish tanks gives you everything from fluvial-edged glass fish tanks to my favorite: the wall mounted flat screen fish tank which is designed to look like a flat-screen television. And, it’s about the same price as a flat-screen TV!


If you really want to go with a unique fish tank there are a number of quirky possibilities as well. My favorite, again a TV, but remember the old, heavy console televisions? People have used those as unique fish tanks too.


I even saw a computer monitor fish tank; that’s a cool idea! Now someone can create a business for unique fish tanks using all those old, outdated computer monitors.

AquaVista 500 Wall-Mount

Looks like a TV or a Live Framed Picture
AquaVista 500 Wall-Mounted Aquarium, Black

Aquavista 500 is a wall mounted aquarium that hangs like a painting. Extremely low maintenance and easy to set up, the 6.6 gallon Aquavista 500 only requires 10 minutes of ...


AquaVista 500 Wall Mount Frame Only

AquaVista 500 Wall Mounted Aquarium - Aquarius Classic Frame (frame only) - A16292 04

The AquaVista 500 Wall Mounted Aquarium is a low-cost, low-maintenance wall mounted fish aquarium for those of us who lack the space or time for upkee


Sponge Bob Aquarium Kit

Sponge Bob Aquarium Kit
Sponge Bob Aquarium Kit

Sponge Bob Theme for Your Child's Room

If the fish aquarium will go in your child’s room than consider the oh-so-appropriate SpongeBob theme. The Pineapple Under the Sea House and all the figurines that are part of the quirky show are available for purchase. This makes for very unique fish tank accessories.

SpongeBob SquarePants® Aquarium Kit, 3 Gallon Tank

Kids love SpongeBob® and now the undersea world of Bikini Bottom® can be right in your child's room! This SpongeBob SquarePants® Aquarium Kit lets your child enjoy their pet ...

$45.99  $35.15

Sponge Bob Pineapple Under the Sea

SpongeBob SquarePants® 6" Pineapple House Aquarium Ornament

Bring a little bit of Bikini Bottom® into your child's aquarium with this SpongeBob SquarePants® 6" Pineapple House Ornament. Kid's love SpongeBob® and your child will enjoy ...

Only $9.99
Sponge Bob Aquarium Accessory
Sponge Bob Aquarium Accessory

Tetra Aquarium

Tetra Aquarium
Tetra Aquarium

Ideas for the Unusual Small Aquarium

Decorate your Cubicle?

Do you look for unusual ways to decorate your cubicle at work?   This small aquarium will spark up your desktop, and your fish family will keep you company at work, too.   Besides that, it's just plain relaxing to watch fish swim, don't you think?  

If you boss is a grouch, maybe you can give him/her one of these at the next office party.  Be sure to supply the fish and the fish food though!  It will take a few days for the grouch to mellow out.

Small and Unusual Tetra Waterfall Globe

Looks great on your desktop or in the kitchen
Tetra Waterfall Globe Aquarium

Desk top aquarium kit featuring a soothing waterfall into a handblown glass bowl look and LED lighting technology and includes Tetra' s whisper filtration.

Only $59.89

Accessorize Your Unique Fish Tank with Unique Accessories

Let’s just say that if a unique fish tank is what you are looking for then there are endless possibilities and choices for you on the internet. And if you are going to buy a unique fish tank you are definitely going to need some unique fish tank accessories to go with it of course.

Now, anything goes here because you can pretty much look around your house and use accessories you no longer have a use for. But then you wouldn’t want your new unique fish tank to look like a dump so you may want to actually go to your local fish store or the internet to see what you can find.

Toilet Aquarium Accessory

Skeleton Toilet for Aquarium - Tacky or Fun?
Skeleton Toilet for Aquarium - Tacky ...

Would You Dare Use Toilet Themed Accessories for Your Fish Tank?

  Display results
Your choice of fish accessories is entirely up to you!

A Toilet in Your Fish Tank?

The tackiest use for a unique fish tank? A toilet. I don’t even want to know what unique fish tank accessories someone would choose for a toilet. Now, the only time I ever use a toilet for fish…well, you see where I’m going with this.

Fish Tank Ornament Green Plastic Action Skeleton On Toilet

Adds more excitement and whimsy to your aquarium; When you connect the oxygen pipe, the skeleton will stand up, then sit down on the toilet; Requires air pump and valve, are ...

Only $9.49
Updated: 08/30/2011, petunia
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What is the most unique aquarium you have ever seen?

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katiem2 on 03/10/2012

Really cool fish tank ideas, wow I'm amazed. I like the wall mounted types, awesome.

Michey on 09/09/2011

Hi! It is fun to have a fancy fish tank... like the post. I think those are unique tanks.

Holistic_Health on 09/05/2011

I had a saltwater tank for a while. Once I moved I didn't have it in me to set it up again, but these are very tempting.

mandeesears on 09/04/2011

My husband is crazy about fish -- fresh water and salt water. I have never seen the frame tank. That is very cool and less obtrusive than the big tanks. Thanks Petunia!

Susan52 on 08/29/2011

I was somewhere recently and saw a computer monitor with a fish tank on it. I just love those!

barbarab on 08/29/2011

love all the different suggestions but my fav is the toilet bowl! I have a warped sense of humor though! I thought it was funny!!

ohcaroline on 08/29/2011

One of the doctors offices where I used to go had a really neat aquarium...it was very entertaining while you wait for your appointment. You could view it from both sides...and the kids really enjoyed it.

bev-owens on 08/29/2011

These fish tanks are so very cool. Love the one that looks like a TV. We had a salt water aquarium in the library where I worked many years ago. My job was to get to school early and take out the "floaters" before the kids saw them.

Nancy Hellams on 08/29/2011

These are really some unique fish tanks. I like the wall mounted one especially.

MugTreasuresByBrenda on 08/28/2011

Fun page. Our orthodontist has a large tank in his office but it is not particularly unusual -- just large.

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