Wall Calendars and More by Audubon

by paperfacets

Audubon Calendars are gorgeous and with a purchase funds go directly to wildlife concerns. Local chapters all over the U.S. help educate young people and bring enjoyment to elders

This is your picture page and buying guide for Audubon 2019 Calendars. Enjoy nature with the world's foremost bird organization. Stunning new calendars with pictures by professional photographers and published by the Workman Publishing Company keep you organized throughout the year.

Some calendar choices have hundreds of photos. The year of 2019 showcases songbirds, garden birds, and more. Enjoy the beauty of nature with calendars and support the Society's environmental work.

Your purchase helps the organization. Displaying the calendars in your kitchen or office desk reinforces the work and the Audubon's view on nature and earth's sustainability. The calendars are good reminders about local Audubon chapters in hundreds of cities and towns. The next three years may need everyone's help.


Have you been known to sight and identify birds?

Audubon Nature Wall Calendar 2019

From Audubon, the renowned wildlife experts, it’s the 1 million–copy calendar that spotlights 12 months of stunning landscapes from around the world in richly detailed photograp...

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Audubon Birds in the Garden Wall Calendar 2019

A sellout debut in 2018, BIRDS IN THE GARDEN is back, combining two beloved and seamlessly linked passions: gardening and bird watching. An iridescent Allen’s Hummingbird sips f...

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Audubon Songbirds and Other Backyard Birds Picture-A-Day Calendar 2019

Admire hundreds of spritely, elegant songbirds, photographed in their native habitats. For America’s birders, this 1.2 million copy‒seller provides a thrilling new sighting ever...

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Two wall calendars above are less than $13.00. Workman Publishing has printed Audubon calendars for years and always deliver good printing and quality paper. 

Two more calendars for daily notes and keeping appointments organized are also offered. Please take note that the Page-A-Day is getting low reviews. Apparently, the format was changed this year.

Audubon Birder's Engagement Calendar 2019

When I had more time the engagement organizer was used as a journal, and I still have about a dozen from the late 70's and the 80's. They are a good record for concerts, meeting friends and big purchases. Happenings of the day were written in little snippets like today's Twitter.

The weekly journal is spiral bound and lies flat for easy writing. Perfect for daily notes and reminders. The book calendar has a page for each week of the year with space for each day's events. Plus information about the featured bird of the week.

Day Calendar
Day Calendar

Happy to Report

The week of Oct. 13. 2013 California passed a bill to eliminate lead ammunition in the state by 2019. Six years is a long time to wait for it to come into effect, but I am glad a step has been taken.
All predator birds such as hawks, falcons, eagles, and condors are going to benefit directly. We have cleaned up lead use in our homes and school plumbing, the very ground of California is our next natural choice.
Lead, is as poisonous as DDT, PCBs and asbestos. In a few years we will feel about lead as we do about other toxins, because our facts will be formulated and acknowledged. I had good information on this subject because the Audubon Magazine had covered the toxic effects of lead on the environment.
Audubon is on the frontline for cleaning up the Salton Sea in Southern California.   The Fate of the Salton Sea Is in Our Hands
Updated: 11/25/2018, paperfacets
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DerdriuMarriner on 07/13/2022

My having the 2022 Audubon calendar brought me back to your wizzley, which I've so enjoyed reading and re-reading.

Have you seen the Audubon 2022 wall calendar?

The selection is quite charming and compelling: January Florida scrub-jay, February northern bobwhites, March cerulean warbler, April crested caracara, May rose-breasted grosbeak, June American oystercatcher, July reddish egret, August Allen's hummingbird, September brown pelican, October barred owl, November eared grebes and December dark-eyed juncos.

DerdriuMarriner on 07/10/2018

paperfacets, Thank you for the product line. Engagement and wall calendars are wonderful gifts for oneself and others. It's a win-win situation, with an educationally entertaining, practical possession and support to a worthy cause. Is there a lead clean-up of businesses and industries?

blackspanielgallery on 12/19/2017

Nice subject for calendars. Birds appeal to most.

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