Willow Tree Angel Ornaments

by sheilamarie

Angels are loved as a symbol of hope and caring, and Willow Tree makes some beautiful and simple angel ornaments with no faces that would grace your home or make a great gift.

Angels protect us from the dangers that beset us. Ornaments with no faces are appropriate for expressing an angel.

A gift of an angel ornament reminds us of how much we are held in the arms of love.

On this page, I've gathered some angel ornaments of love, happiness, and freedom. I've included a Christmas creche at the bottom of the page as well.
I hope you enjoy them!

Willow Tree Angel Ornaments and Figurines

For the Christmas Tree or as a Decoration Any Time of Year

Willow Tree is a company known for the simple angel forms without facial features that are treasured and placed in a special spot in people's homes as a reminder of love.  Willow Tree angels make wonderful gifts because they are beautiful to look at and they also bear special messages -- as angels are supposed to do -- between the giver and the receiver of the gift. These messages are part of the angel's design, and include such sentiments as love, friendship, and freedom. As such, they are perfect as a gift of encouragement between mothers and daughters, grandmothers and granddaughters, friend and friend, husband and wife.

Susan Lordi, the creator of the Willow Tree Angels, has been crafting these figurines since 2000. She carves each sculpture, which is then cast in resin and trimmed with metal wire. Each piece is lovingly painted by hand.

Willow Tree Angel figurines are fun to collect and look beautiful displayed together in a group. The ornament variety are lovely on a Christmas tree, too, and can be displayed hanging somewhere else when the Christmas tree is taken down for the year. Susan Lordi designs a new ornament each year, This year's special angel is the Trellis Angel Ornament. It makes a great friendship gift to hang on someone's tree.

Willow Tree 2011 Trellis Angel Ornament

For Your Christmas Tree or to Hang Anywhere in 2011
Willow Tree 2011 Trellis Angel Ornament
Only $27.0

Willow Tree Angels Embrace Ornament

A Loving Gift for Someone You Love
Willow Tree Angels Embrace Ornament, 26089
Only $23.95

Willow Tree Angels

Expressing Emotion with Gestures

Although we usually interpret a person's emotions by looking at their faces, Willow Tree Angels have no faces. Their expression of emotion is more subtle and involves a tilt of the head or a gesture with the hands.

Yet while looking at this body language of the small figurines, we can sometimes feel the emotion they are trying to share bubbling up within us. Strange, isn't it, that what seems like no show of emotion can express so much?

Look for example, at the Angel of Happiness. With her arms outstretched and with the bluebirds perched there, she seems to be ready to take flight in a surge of joy. Maybe it's just me, but I get that feeling of dancing with joy when I look at this figurine.

Willow Tree Happiness Ornament

Joy! Joy! Joy! with Bluebirds
Willow Tree Hapiness Ornament, 26156
Only $18.0

Hug as a Sign of Love Makes a Thoughtful Gift

by Willow Tree

When my niece was little and came to visit her grandmother, their time together seemed way too short for both of them. When my three-year-old niece left the house to return home, her grandmother would blow her kisses. Somehow that was not enough for the little girl and so she began a little tradition of crossing her arms over her chest to send her grandmother a hug from a distance. From that day on, they blew kisses and sent hugs each time they parted.

This little Willow Tree Sign for Love Angel reminds me of them both.

Willow Tree Sign of Love Angel Ornament

Arms Crossed Over Chest
Willow Tree Sign for Love Ornament, 26140
$23.95  $14.25

Willow Tree Angel of Freedom Figurine

Butterfly Taking Flight

It's hard not think of freedom and its preciousness when you look at this Willow Tree Angel Figurine. A butterfly perches on the angel's cupped palms, ready to take off and flit away. The angel could close her hand over the creature, but doesn't, and so the fragile insect will most likely leave her behind. 

How many of us have experienced the love and pain of letting go?

Willow Tree Angel of Freedom Figurine

With a Butterfly in Her Hands
Willow Tree Angel of Freedom Figurine, Susan Lordi 26219
$28.0  $23.0

Nativity Scene

Christmas Creche

Last, but most important of all, is this lovely Nativity scene from Willow Tree. Your family will recall the Christmas story each year while unwrapping and setting up this creche scene.

Figurines include Mary holding Baby Jesus, Joseph, a shepherd holding a lamb, two additional sheep, and a donkey.

This six piece set can be added to now or in subsequent years with the three Magi, an ox and a goat, as well as any number of angels, all available separately.

Willow Tree Nativity Set

Christmas Creche
Willow Tree Nativity Set
$92.38  $99.9

More Ornaments for Your Tree

Make Great Christmas Gifts, Too
Music brings us all such joy! Honor the musician in your life with one of these Christmas ornaments with a musical theme.
Decorating a Christmas tree with children is an opportunity for magic and fun. Kids' ornaments can be whimsical or funny, pretty or cute.

Other Christmas Themes to Explore

Christmas Riddles for Kids
Come have a Christmas chuckle or a groan with these Christmas riddles for kids.

Advent Activities
Advent Activities to help your family prepare for the feast.

How to Make Snow Globes
Make your own snow globes and give them as gifts!

Updated: 10/19/2017, sheilamarie
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sheilamarie on 03/28/2013

Thanks for your comment, Ray. Interesting idea.

Ray Broderick on 03/28/2013

Some people even collect these figurines and place it at strategic locations in their house because it is thought to protect them from all sorts of evil and harm.

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