There are a variety of different wooden playsets, in terms of size, indoor or outdoor use and individual features. As an example, those that are designed to be used outdoors tend to be both bigger and more expensive.
However there is the additional play value; larger playsets have a tendency to encourage children to further develop skills that cannot be easily mastered indoors, plus they’re generally a 'communal' affair.
An outdoor fort or large playcenter tends to consist of adventure based play on a grand scale. There’s usually a combination of swings, ropes, slides and climbing walls included in the design and, depending on how much you’re willing to spend, you could turn your backyard into a private adventure playground.
They can also be cost effective if you measure quality, length of use and how many children you have. Even today’s kids love to have a tree-house type play area, and one that includes lots of cool features and can withstand having their friends around to play well … all the better.