Writing Online For Content On Many Sites
Writing online can be a lot of fun and potentially, something of a good money earner. Yet it has potential to go belly up if you only rely on one single platform for your work.
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You Need To Be In Many Places
Writing online for many people, may be as straight forward as writing an article about a niche subject you know very well, or know little but have researched in depth. As a content creator, you may find the majority of your time is spent regularly using a single site like here at Wizzley, or HubPages, Squidoo, Ezine Articles, Triond, Xomba or other different content creation sites. Or you may be writing for two or three of these types of sites.
Whilst writing for one or two sites is great for building a body of work and its simple to use two or less sites, it is actually better to use more. If you only use one site, what would you do if you were shut out of your account and unable to access your own written content anymore? Especially if you haven’t saved your work elsewhere on say a USB thumb drive or a laptop.
Yes, it would taste quite bitter for that event to happen and it has with many authors in the past. It has also happened to writers and may happen to you. If you are producing your work on one site only, consider producing additional work on other sites and spread your risk.
The Importance Of Building Your Work Everywhere
The major Panda algorithm update from Google that occurred around February 2011 irrevocably changed the landscape for many people who create content for the internet. Many sites were slightly affected (5% or less total site content affected by less search opportunity) to severe sandboxing of other sites (50% major loss of traffic and restricted search of site content).
The impact was severe loss of traffic for writers creating content for one site only and they were writing on a site heavily penalized by Panda. Now it may be OK if it was hobby money that writer was earning, but not if it contributes a good portion of their household income like mortgage payments or rent. Ouch.
So based on that previous scenario, it pays to not have all of your eggs into one basket. There are additional benefits to this type of expanded 'branding' of you the writer as well.
Using Multiple Content Sites
By using many article and content creation sites, rather than one only and you will see over time the benefits it provides. If you also include any of your own websites, you are ensuring your eggs are not all in one basket. There are many benefits to be had and I will outline some of those here;
- Income is generated from more than one source
- Potential to link to one site with back links from other sites you use
- Potential to link to many sites with back links from other sites you use
- Your work will appear slightly more often in search results from multiple sites in the same niche topic
By using more than one site, if you have one of these sites shut down and you have your worked saved elsewhere (such as the cloud or your home computer) your disruption is minimal. You also have the benefit of using your work elsewhere. Just make sure you dont get duplicate content complications in that interim.
The Benefits Of Using Multiple Content Sites
By using more than one site, you spread your workload and your potential to get your information out there on a wider net and also to many more readers. You also get the benefit of the potential to generate multiple income streams.
You will find that using various sites you can use (if you have affiliate memberships of first) the ePn eBay partner network, Amazon Associates, Zazzle, Google AdSense CafePress and other affiliate network products. Some content creation sites also have their own various income generation types.
I myself write content on many sites and I am finding that site list growing every few months. I too have found that sites can change on a whim. I live in Australia and lost the benefit of generating income from Associated Content when they were purchased by Yahoo. Simply due to Yahoo no longer allowing payments to non-US based authors. I still get the benefit of back links but not income.
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Hey bizilady,
Yes many people, not just writers are finding out the benefits of writing at more than one place. So important now, since it also is very beneficial whether you write on sites owned by others, or your own.
Hope your portfolio grows in 2012.
Good advice and now I am branching out more. One of my resolutions for 2012!
Thanks samsons1,
I like many others such as yourself got hit with a ditch in traffic when Panda hit HubPages. I was using other sites but not to the extent I am now. The portfolio needs to be wide and varied so if one platform, for any reason, does not perform or goes belly up or gets hits with a Google search penalty, I can also have my work in other places.
I am glad you feel hope as in being hopeless, it is not the end, but limits ones views of potential opportunity elsewhere.
Well written and informative. Good advise. I found myself in the Panda mess with HubPages earlier this year and was devastated. Then I started branching out as you suggest and found new friends in similar circumstance. Thanks so much for this article, it gives hope to those that feel hopeless...
Thankyou dak,
Keep writing on many sites and gain the benefit of many places as your articles grow in readership.
Excellent advice to follow!