Do You Have Your Own Cure For Cancer?

by davestone13

Is it possible you might be completely unaware of the cancer cure, a natural and graceful one, that has kept you alive and healthy, without your ever knowing it happened...?

Spontaneous remissions from cancer occur invisibly all the time. Evidence of cancers in your body emerging and going away on their own has been published in mainstream medical journals.

There are regular, reported cures that happen without medical intervention, but it's the ones we don't know about until after they happen that may yield the secret to a true cure for cancer, one the pharmaceutical companies are not going to be happy about.

Even the medical establishment estimates 1 in 400 people are cured of cancer without treatment. I think it's more, and here's why, along with some possible explanations.

A Cure For Cancer

Introducing A Silent Miracle

My interest in a cure for cancer has always been intense. Maybe it was spurred by fears of the horrors the disease visited on patients in hospitals where I worked and heightened more by my own longtime habit of smoking. 

It persisted after I quit, became a less personal interest, and the stories of researchers efforts to even clearly identify, let alone cure, the variety of cancers being discovered were fascinating. 

Like most, I've watched friends and loved ones be consumed by the slow wasting of the disease and wondered about the strength of both as a tug of war gradually was lost with a death. But what stuck in my mind were the inexplicable cures, better known as spontaneous remission or spontaneous healing. 

These undeniably happened. I remember Deepak Chopra sharing the puzzle of a woman diagnosed with terminal cancer and being told she had six months to live. Six months later, without medical treatment, she was fully healed. She credited her daily practice of visualizing herself cured, her tumor melting.

There is no way to know if visualization actually lead to healing, and even if it did, nobody has any concrete proof of why. The same practice has failed in many other cases.

Setting aside the question of why visualization might work for some and not for others, the important takeaway from this is the proof that spontaneous remissions happen at all. That's where our research needs to begin. 

It's being possible makes its secrets the most important ones in personal health. But don't count on the medical establishment or the big pharmaceutical companies to start looking. There is no money for them to make when you cure yourself; so, the best discoveries are likely to be accidental or the result of openminded pioneers eager to take the challenge of what would seem a miracle cure.

Is A Personal Cure For Cancer Unique

Why You And Your Neighbors May All Be Doing It

The spontaneous remission or cure for cancer mentioned above became an informative example only because the woman to whom it happened was under a doctor's care, making it a documented example. But what about people whose symptoms never became ominous enough to send them to a doctor?

Quiet conversation in the Swiss AlpsI got a lucky break with some insight on this question at the most unlikely time. On vacation in the Swiss Alps, my wife and I found ourselves in the company of four biologists. One was involved in direct human research while the others were more involved with lab work and teaching.

On a quiet afternoon after a morning's hike high up in the Alps, I started a conversation by telling my new friend that I believed there were many more spontaneous remissions than ever get recorded. Her answer was more direct and eye-opening than I expected.

"We know there are," she said, "because we find cancers that have metastasized, but the original cancer is gone."

Metastatic cancers have markers that tell researches whether they were born independently or were an aftereffect of a primary cancer. What my friend and her colleagues found is that the primary cancers had somehow healed themselves and were no longer in the patient's body. And they had never been detected as the secondary cancers were.

What makes spontaneous healing now seem so much more common is that, when cancers do not metastasize, we may not know anything about them. We have cancer and heal it without ever being aware. How often, we don't know, but the instance is certainly higher than the conventional estimate of 1 in 400.

Which brings us back to the fascinating question of what happens with spontaneous healing? Obviously, we don't know that either, but there are interesting candidates.

An Immune System-like Cure For Cancer?

Do We Routinely Block Cancers, Just As We Block Viruses and Other Invaders?

A prime candidate for a cure for cancer may be an as yet unidentified system that reacts to cancers with the same dedication our immune systems show in taking on other illnesses. 

While this may seem a little farfetched, that can be explained by how little we know about the human microbiome, the mass of bacterial, human and other cells that make up what we like to call you and me. The fifty trillion cells that make up a human being (over 90% being nonhuman, by the way) do things and participate in making us whole in ways we are only beginning to discover.

We have long known that bacteria play key roles in digestion and in creating our immune systems, but we're only beginning to see how some actually regulate and control the actions of others, maybe to prevent infections before any immune response in necessary. The possibilities are endless.

The short version of how immune systems work is that they detect an invader, usually a virus or a bacteria, and mount a response to limit and eventually kill or drive it away. Often, when we see this powerful response, as in the case of the common cold, as an illness itself while it's really a highly effective cure swinging into action.

Is it possible a similar response to cancers is ready to mount when cells go awry? Of course, it's possible. But maybe their actions are not as overt as a runny nose or a cough. If the curative system response to cancer doesn't came with observable effects, we'd probably never go out looking for it. The result, routine spontaneous remissions that go unnoticed. 

About Your Immune System

Is The Secret Cure for Cancer Here?

Apoptosis As Both Cause and Cure For Cancer

How Routine Cell Death Might Explain Healing

Living human cells come to life with their own death sentence. Apoptosis is a built in process in which older cells kill themselves off in an appropriate time frame to make way for fresh material.

When cell death was first being researched, I remember Henry Miller writing that each of us got a whole new body every eight years, based on what researches were observing about apoptosis. It's not that simple, though, because different types of cells are established with longer or shorter life spans. Even so, the rejuvenating process happens within the cells that make up your body, every day.

But sometimes, the process goes awry and the cells lose their capacity to kill themselves off, and the result is an eruption of wildly growing cells, like some exotic plant invading an environment without natural enemies.

That's exactly what some cancers are, unstoppable explosions of cellular populations without cell death to rein them in.

One idea is that, if we can find a way to turn the switch on in cancerous cells, they will be stopped or driven away by a natural process.

What we see, for the purposes of this article, is something that our bodies may know how to do themselves under certain circumstances, that is, turn on a cellular death machine among cancerous clusters.  

Apoptosis-Does This Natural Process Explain Spontaneous Remissions?

Cell Suicide for Cancer

Epigenetic Actions As A Cure For Cancer

Not As New Age As You Think

Unfortunately, a large number of New Age readers have learned about epigenetics from would-be scientific rock star, Bruce Lipton. While he gives readers a basic explanation of epigenetics, he saturates it in self-serving rationales about his own role and goes even further into loopy discussions of psychology for which he is ill-equipped to take part.

Put simply, epigenetics is a set of actions "above genetics," or outside the code installed in all our cells. These actions alter or influence how DNA carries out its business of replicating and renewing cells. 

What Lipton proposes is that conscious or unconscious intention can cause this process to result in healing and prevention of many diseases, including cancer. Researchers are eagerly pursuing that possibility, with far more scientific rigor than Lipton troubles himself with. It's one of the newest areas of scientific research and also one of its most promising. 

Until confirmed with results that can be documented, no one can say whether epigenetics is the unidentified operation that makes visualizing health effective for some, and for me, we won't have an acceptable answer until we also know why it doesn't work for others.

Even so, we have a promising new candidate for your own personal cure for cancer.  


A Detailed Description
In biology, and specifically genetics, epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence – hence the name epi- -genetics. It ...

The New Science of Epigenetics

How It May Help Explain Spontaneous Remissions

Other Writing About Your Personal Cure Fro Cancer

Taking the Subject a Little Further

Have You Discovered A Cure For Cancer?
A related discussion about a cure for cancer as spontaneous healing or remission.

Updated: 02/25/2018, davestone13
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Mira on 06/19/2019

I came back to this article thanks to Katie's comment, and this time around found the video on epigenetics, which I believe was not here before. It answered several of my questions. Thank you so much for including it! As for visualization, I'm completely at a loss as to how it should be done. I'll look into it some more.

katiem2 on 06/17/2019

WOW an outstanding wealth of information. I practice building new pathways in my brain by learning new things, thinking positive and visualizing healing, the birth of new cells throughout my entire body, healthy cells that is. I also work to maintain a healthy microbiome, I make and enjoy kombucha, my favorite is with ginger a nice anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is a big problem adding to the list of things we should address for optimal health. This is an article I will need to read over and refer to often. Great article!

AbbyFitz on 12/06/2013

This is really thought provoking, especially since my sister died of cancer a few years ago. While I know there are things that happen to our body that are out of our control, I believe that what ones mindset is plays a significant role. I've seen where people either accept the fact they have cancer or just figure they're going to die anyway. It's important to be positive when you're ill.

sheilamarie on 10/20/2013

Thanks for sharing these ideas, Davestone13. Mysteries abound!

davestone13 on 05/23/2013

frankbeswick, I agree. There seems to be a strong wave of increasing awareness, like we're emerging from a spiritual dark ages. What seemed fantastic five years ago will be common knowledge. I believe we'll all be better for it.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment.

frankbeswick on 05/23/2013

It is becoming increasingly clear that the world is not as people have thought it was, and that consciousness, rather than being an embarrassing epiphenomenon that materialism cannot explain and tried to explain away, is a fundamental player in reality and has effects in the real world. Hence I am convinced that visualization has a strong, but as yet unexplained role in healing.

davestone13 on 05/22/2013

Quick suggestion, Katie - check out Anita Moorjani's "Dying To Be Me." Some intriguing reflections on how her cancer led to an NDE and a fast and complete cure that followed.

katiem2 on 05/21/2013

Very interesting, both the mind and cell regeneration are very powerful proof of the destruction of cancer cells. I too have been intrigued with cancer for multiple reasons. I also feel the determination to live or the willingness to pass is a powerful component in the solution to disease and cancer. All very thought provoking and yet packed with practical evidence. I hung on your every word, well done and much appreciated.

Note: I'm going to forever more imagine any and all cancer cells in my body being wiped out in the next wave of cell regeneration.

davestone13 on 05/21/2013

Mira, all questions studies are trying to answer. What stumps the field and is rarely acknowledged is that, for all the investment so far, there has been no substantial progress in finding cures for cancer. It's only my opinion, but I think the message there is that they are looking in the wrong places and unwilling, as with cigarette smoking, unwilling to accept some obvious implications about what's being done for profit.

That aside, from my own reading of epigenetics (Understand, it's still a new field of research.), its name says it best. That is epi (above) genetics, the study of what factors influence the constant biological actions in our genes but are outside them. Bruce Lipton, who has been denounced as a quack, makes a fair description of what he thinks happens as proteins signal out genes to do or not do things. Where he gets into trouble is when he overreaches to draw New Age ideas, without sufficient research, into the picture.

Last I read, some big research projects were being funded to consider epigenetics from a broad range with enough results to draw scientifically acceptable conclusions. It is though, as I mentioned, a very new field and probably not ready to yield comprehensive results for a long time. What we've seen so far is promising, though, if inconclusive.

Mira on 05/21/2013

I'd be curious how you understand epigenetics. You didn't expand on it. I believe the scientific community agrees now that gene expression in one individual is not heritable (in any way, as in giving more of a propensity), but what if they later discover that the environmental factors that affected the parents somehow have an impact, for better or worse, on the children?

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