Zujava | Personal Review of Great Content Publishing Web Site
by Mladen
Introducing an excellent new way to build quality backlinks to your articles and blogs. Zujava is great new content publishing web site that will make you addicted to writing.
What Is Zujava?
An excellent new content publishing web site!
I joined Zujava after the recommendation I've got from a close friend. At first I was suspicious, as I always am when it is about new places to write. It wasn't long until I published my third article there with 34.38 % of visits coming from Google. This is impressive percentage if I tell you those are stats I've got after 2 days of writing there.
Isn't that great? More than 34% of your traffic coming from search engines! I consider if wonderful thing. To be honest it is not what I have here on Wizzley, but still it is impressive in comparizon to Squidoo and Hubpages.
On their forum I have read that their moto was to be fastest content publishing web site on the Internet. I have found that they have very friendly writing interface, which will make you write your articles pretty fast and in simple way too. But more important thing is that your articles are indexed on Google right after you publish them. Which means in few minutes, you can find your lines on search engines! Isn't that Zujava an excellent new content publishing web site?
Zujava | Statistics of New Content Publishing Web Site:
- Date registered: 15 October 2011,
- SEO score: 20%,
- Alexa rank: 148:050,
- MOst visits coming from: USA (48,5), India, Slovenia,
- PageRank: 0/10.
![]() Zujava | content publishing web site (writing interface) |
Easy Writing Interface on Zujava!
Best writing experience for creating high level articles (leaves)!
An article on Zujava is called leaf, and people from this web site tried hard to improve writing experience and make it easier and more enjoyable for everyone to write excellent leaves for first page of Google.
I am glad to say their writing interface is SEO friendly, letting you to write your meta description, to add some basic HTML codes. Leaves are based on creating multiple modules (just like Squidoo, Wizzley and Hubpages), which bring new headlines for placing your keywords in. I am disappointed in one part which is about adding h1, h2, h3...h6 tags to your text. It is simply not allowed. I like that here on Wizzley. I think it is important to let writer use those tags to improve on-page SEO of his articles.
Many users compare it with Squidoo, but to me, Zujava is similar to Squidoo only in domain of modules, which you can fine on other content publishing web sites too. But when I look at that writing interface, it looks a lot like Triond's. You don't have to be HTML expert to write on Zujava. You, actually, don't even have to know HTML. Writing is as easy as on Wizzley. Just click on button, and the text is BOLD, or UNDERLINED... I like that, even if I do use HTML. But, hey, do we have to use it to bold our text? I don't think so!
Organize your article content using leaf sections:
Rich Text Field | Featured Leaves | Image Gallery | Amazon Product | Amazon Product Group | Black Box | eBay Products | Flickr Gallery | Link List | List | Pinterest | Photo Block | Poll | RSS | Twitter | YouTube | Videos.
Leaf sections are modules you can add to your article in order to place text, image, poll... in it. We have it on almost every content publishing web site. You can find the list of those easy to use leaf setions on your right side.
Easy to Keep Track of Traffic on Zujava
Always know who is visiting your article!
It has never been easier to keep track of traffic before Zujava arrived. As you can see on the image above, you are provided with information of amount and source of the traffic to your articles.
More important than that is the fact that Zujava gives you the list with keywords and key phrases that your visitors searched for. These keywords and phrases brought those visitors to your articles, and it is important to have insight about them, to be able to add more of those to your text, or to even add new sections to your leaves.
Why Should You Write on Zujava?
Because it is an excellent new content publishing web site!
...And it is more than that! It is reader friendly, loved by Google, good looking and it has bird inside the logo. :)
Zujava is great for building quality backlinks to your blogs and articles. It is new and promising content publishing web site, with fast growing community. This means you still have chances to write about things no one has written about there. Lots of niches are empty there, and you can easily become leading writer in one or more on Zujava. This is major quality which brings writers to new content publishing web sites.
It is never good to stick for just one place to write on. I personally adore Wizzley, and this is now my home. But, still, my articles are not going to grow by themselves. We all need good promotion, and we all spend lots of hours on building backlinks. We surely should use every new opportunity for that. Zujava offers quality backlinks, extremely fast indexing on Google, and much more.
![]() Zujava | content publishing web site (article list) |
DoFollow/NoFollow Backlinks, Article Requirements And More On Zujava
I was really happy to hear that they allow DoFollow backlinks to everyone, no matter how long you are writing for them, or how many articles you've got written there. After publishing your first leaf on Zujava, your links are all DoFollow. This is really great thing, and we writers are happy about that.
The other great fact about this content publishing web site is that your leaves get published just after you clicked the button "Publish leaf"! No review to be done before approving your content for publishing.
Your leaves must have at least 250 words of content, and you may add to it as many links as you want.
It all sounds excellent, right? It is now, when Zujava is not that popular among writers. But soon this could be used in wrong way. This would mean Zujava could become link farm and place with lots of under average articles, which can be reason for being punished by Google in future.
I am not an expert on that field, but I will put a duel module to hear your oppinion on this subject. I would like to hear your oppinion, and please, if you find time, leave it in duel module just below this text.
Do you think Zujava is going to be misused by writers in future having in mind its liberal publishing policy?
I am so sure of it!

When they asked me to be an early writer, they did tell me they had a duplicate content filter: it's the least they need in order to keep spammers out. I don't care about the link out policy, but there does have to be a content policy. If what you say is true I'm glad I haven't signed up yet.

Thank you, chefkeem! It was important to hear your opinion on this. I completely agree with you. I am not familiar with its creators, but it is obvious spammers could misuse Zujava in future. I have already read one post on some forum, where one person is claiming the best quality of Zujava is to have low quality control. Also, online community is celebrating Zujava has no backlinking policy. Great idea, but they shouldn't trust everyone!

I think Bill and his partners did a great job with their site. However, the spammers are waiting in droves. Just like Wizzley, they too need to develop strict quality control measures if they want to succeed in today's market.
Zujava has lots of positive to offer to new writers. It could be too liberal, but I am hoping it will find its way to fight off duplicate content, backlink hungry writers, and all sorts of scam we can find on the Internet.
I am in favor to believe that there is long time ahead of us to write on this excellent new content publishing web site. I am still of strong belief there is no better place to write than Wizzley, but Zujava is one of the places you need to write on too. Don't keep all eggs in one basket!
Hurray for Zujava, new excellent content publishing web site! Join and start building quality backlinks with uber fast article publishing!
Wizzley: Write Articles and Earn Money with Cutest Web2.0 Blogging Platform
Wizzley is the cutest Web2.0 writing platform. It offers you not only the chance to share your knowledge and passions with the rest of the world, but also to earn the money by writing articles. This is small review of the Wizzley:
Guest Writing: Tolovaj from Wizzley Writing about This New Content Publishing Web Site
Meet Tolovaj and read about his experience on Zujava
Hi, I am one of new guys at Wizzley and I already have an honor to write a guest post about my experience at other writing platform: Zujava. I have to be honest. I am new at Zujava too, but Zujava is only four months old and everybody is new there. Here is my profile: Tolovaj
I am scientist by education and aware how important experiments are. Zujava with very liberal policy and with experienced Squidoo lens-masters running the show from beginning looked like pretty interesting challenge to me. I had three initial goals:
1. To check new environment and community.
2. To see if I can use Zujava to support my lenses on Squidoo and some blogs I write in English.
3. To find out if English writing platform can help my blogs and sites in Slovene language.
1. Bad: Problems with site crashing or unavailable addresses, low number of users and low response from inside community. Good: fast platform, good transparency, easy working.
2. Bad: Age and authority of the site should not give too much power of outgoing links. Good: All URLs interesting for me should be free (this was not the case on Squidoo, where half of URLs were already taken by spammers and other half is marked as work in progress for four years).
3. Complete blackout. All we know support from English page should not give too much credit to page in Slovene language.
1. Really easy to use module based working environment. Not numerous but responsive community.
2. Leaf about Rapunzel: Rapunzel to support my post: The Fairy Tales blog: Rapunzel. I got carried away and leaf became much longer than intended at first. But it pan out great and it was first of two of my leaves already featured on the front page.
3. Leaf about origin and meaning of the word sequence fairy tale (in Slovene language translated pravljica):Fairy Tale.
1. Much better than expected. Few short cases of 'site down', I miss some modules from Squidoo (poll, quiz, black box in more colors). One of most popular modules (poll) is now already added after short voting in the forum. I would like better statistics, something similar to Squidoo's dashboard. Easy setting of Google Analytics.
2. Much better than expected. Traffic to leaf about Rapunzel from Google from day one (on some long tails). Blog post also gained some power, but leaf is even more powerful!
3. It works, it works! After one week my e-store came from position 35 to 15 for that keyword!
Final word:
Don't go to Zujava! I have a lot to do there and don't want it to be too crowded too soon:)
Best regards, Tolovaj
Katie Writes about Zujava's Money Making Potential
Zujava is excellent new content publishing, revenue sharing web site!
In one of the best (if not the best) articles about Zujava's money making potential, there on the net, Katie writes about the ease of payment, ads earning possibilities, Amazon sections on Zujava, etc. Katie did the excellent job on explaining what is this revenue sharing web site all about, and how to make the money using Amazon, Zazzle and other affiliate programs.
You are not familiar with when and how will you get paid on this content publishing web site, called Zujava? Maybe you are not sure how does Zujava's referral program work?
Well, Katie, an amazing writer from Wizzley, writes about those and other Zujava Money Making Potentials.
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© Copyright Mladen Stajic 2012. All Rights Reserved.
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New user and 3 new articles on zujava. Has anyone else gotten weird high numbers of visits from Squidoo? 60 Squidoo visits and 2 Google within first 48 hours of publishing. That's just on one article and the others leafs are similar. Something smells fishy ...
@ SharleeShares:
I understand you complitely. Sometimes you realize there are so many possibilities, and yet so little free time to use them all. Zujava is great from that aspect too. Writing there is fast and easy. Not like on Squidoo for example.
Thanks for your kind comment!
@ Moonbeam973:
It is really worth of checking out. I am sure you will like it, if you give it a try. I am glad this article was helpful! Cheers!
Katie, it's great to read another article about this site. I had just read Katie's article, too. I like what you said about using it for backlinks. I need to have more backlink articles for some of my articles on HP and here, and my own blogs.
I don't know if I will get there right away because I have so much on the go, but I am definitely keeping it on the list to possibly try in the future. You make some really good points about why it is good to try it. I enjoyed the read! Voted up.
@sheilamarie. You are welcome. I hope you will like it there. It needs as many great writes from Wizzley there as possible.
I am glad to hear from an other Zujava "veteran" here. I sure believe in them, and hope they will cope with the bad things that come with spammers. Glad to hear about your affiliate sales. I haven't written about earning on Zujava, but we will have that article soon here too. One step at the time. ;)
Thanks for the info on the new site. I'd never heard of it before.
I have been writing on Zujava since February and I really like it. Bill and Justin are doing a terrific job. We don't receive our first payout until May 15th, however, the google traffic is good and I have already made a few affiliate sales from Commission Junction. So, I think it has a bright future.
I'm there now, just got things rolling, wrote a bit of an intro art, stumbled around a bit but overall its very straight forward, as you mentioned. Looking forward to working with you there as well. :)
Brenda, I am happy to be seeing you there too! I am looking forward to read some delicious recipes on Zujava too!