Alternative Treaments For Cold And Flu Symptoms

by DeniseJackson

How you can combat pesky cold and flu germs naturally without using harsh medicines that could affect other medical conditions.

How To Treat Cold And Flu Symptoms With Herbal Remedies
How To Treat Cold And Flu Symptoms Wi...

How Many Times Do You Touch Your Face Per Day?

Even though Spring is just around the corner; cold and flu circulation is still in full effect. Every day we come in contact with many people and at any given time the contacts that we make can lead to illness. Daily social interactions are very common and repetitive (i.e. school, work, grocery shopping). Within an hour the average person can touch their face several hundred times. Since cold and flu germs are highly contagious ( hundreds of virus variations) it is very easy to transmit these germs quickly and easily. Even those of us who are extremely cautious still often get sick.

Are You Reading The Labels Just For Relief?

Fighting these pesky germs can be difficult; and choosing the right medication can be just as hard. Checking with your physician is always best before you take any medication if you already have an existing medical condition. It is very vital to read labels very careful; be sure to read the warning label and not just what the medicine relieves. For individuals who have issues like diabetes and high blood pressure some cold medicine ingredients can increase their problems. Many decongestants and pain relievers can elevate the heart rate while other medicines are high in sugar which can increase blood sugar levels.

A Nice Cup Of Hot Tea Is Always Nice

If you are interested in alternative remedies to help you combat your cold and flu there are many herbs that may be able to help nurse you back to health.  I always enjoy drinking hot tea when I have a cold to soothe my upset stomach or scratchy throat.  Even when I am not ill an occasional cup of herbal tea always makes for a great way to relax while watching T.V.  Herbs can be a great way to help keep your immune system strong as well.

There are many herbal combinations that can help relieve the symptoms of cold and flu. You don't have to spend too much money or risk harsh side effects using most herbs and they tend to last for a very long time if stored properly. For those that must fight through there sickness and work or attend school using herbal treatments can also help to ensure that you don’t get drowsy and remain alert during your school or work day.

Peppermint is probably one of my favorite herbs because of its multiple uses. It can help to induce sweating which relieves fevers due to cold or flu. Peppermint is a natural decongestant which helps to relieve stuffy noses. When combined with Sage, Cinnamon and Ginger to make a hot tea this herb becomes a great natural remedy filled with anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger also has relaxing qualities and can help with resting at night; but should not be used by women who are pregnant and lactating.

Frontier Peppermint Leaf C/s Certified Organic, 16 Ounce Bag

Frontier Peppermint Leaf C/s comes in 16 ounce bags. Peppermint is a hybrid of watermint and spearmint. Indigenous to Europe, it is now widely cultivated throughout the world. ...

Only $15.99

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Frontier Sage Leaf Rubbed, 16 Ounce Bag

The silvery, fuzzy leaves of sage are a domineering seasoning. Where would stuffing be without it?

Only $20.5

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Frontier Cinnamon Sticks 2 3/4, 16 Ounce Bags (Pack of 2)

Cinnamon is the world's most popular baking spice. You'll recognize its familiar taste and aroma in cakes, breads, cookies, breads and pies, dumplings, puddings, pastries and ...

$27.0  $26.96

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Bulk Ginger Root, Cut & Sifted Certified Organic - 16 oz - Bulk

Bulk Ginger Root, Cut & Sifted Certified Organic 16 oz BulkFrontier Bulk Ginger Root, Cut & Sifted, CERTIFIED ORGANIC, 1 lb. packageWarnings: Keep out of reach of children. As ...

Only $21.98

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Cold And Flu Relief Tea

1 teaspoon Peppermint

1 teaspoon Sage

1 teaspoon of Ginger ( if applicable)

1 Cinnamon stick

1-2 lemon wedges

Place these ingredients in a container with lid. Pour in about 8-10 ounces of hot water and allow to steep for at least 1-2 hours. After steeping, strain, reheat and serve. Add in a artificial sweetener like Stevia if need. 

Repeat  this process as needed to help relieve symptoms. Can be made in large batches and refrigerated to be used through out the day.

Immune Boosting Smoothie

If you need an alternative to drinking hot teas (this will work great for warmer climates) or if you are trying to help your kids relieve their symptoms or help boost their immune systems; sharing a nice Vitamin C enriched smoothie is a great way to help fight colds.   

8 oz. of Low-fat, skim milk, or almond milk (which ever one you choose)

2-3 ice cubs

4 oz. of low fat or non-fat yogurt plain yogurt

1 half of a small orange

1 package of vitamin c powder

*Double ingredients if making two smoothies

Use blender to mix ingredients well; serve and enjoy!

A Few Things I Do To Help Prevent The Spread Of Germs

Using a dishwasher and the "heat" option to dry the dishes after washing is a great way to kill germs and bacteria at all times. When sick I use a separate trash can for discarding used Kleenex and I empty it regularly. After getting over a cold I always replace toothbrushes and mouth washes with new ones. Use hand sanitizer frequently especially after each cough or sneeze. I keep travel sized hand  sanitizer in my car, all of my purses and in the kitchen and even on the kitchen table as a constant reminder to the entire family that our hands should stay clean at all times even when colds are not present. When ever the kids get home from school  or we return from an outing we immediately discard our clothing in the washer. Clothing that we wear outside the house we never wear when we are lounging inside the house and vice versa. All of our shoes are left at the door to prevent from tracking anything from outside within the house. These are just a few things that we do in our home to make sure our home is as germ-free as possible. Some people may think these actions are a bit obsessive; but to me if it can prevent any of my family members from getting sick then I feel it is worth effort.


Updated: 02/11/2012, DeniseJackson
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