Angel Christmas Ornaments
by lou16
Angel Christmas ornaments add a little magic to everyone's Christmas tree. I've compiled a great selection of angel Christmas ornaments for you to browse through.
Angel Christmas Ornaments are Timeless
When I was a child I remember we used to have an Angel that sat atop our Christmas tree looking down on us all and safeguarding our gifts after Santa and his reindeer had been. As far as angel Christmas tree ornaments I don't recall any, we just had very basic Christmas balls and our homemade pine cones.
I also don't remember making angel ornaments at school, but I know many moons later my daughter brought home handmade angel ornaments to hang on our tree. It seems to be quite a tradition in a number of countries as friends from both the UK & US have angels that their children made at school, also my nieces in New Zealand brought them home.
My childhood Christmases were spent in the 70s and 80s when we used to decorate the whole lounge room with paper chains, balloons etc, not just the Christmas tree. Many years my brother and I would make paper angel chains to hang up, my dad would draw the angel on folded paper for us to cut out and there we would have it - several angels all holding hands!
Today I'm not going to show you angel Christmas toppers or paper angel chains, instead we're going to look at the array of gorgeous angel Christmas ornaments that are available.
Do You Hang Angel Christmas Ornaments on Your Tree?
Porcelain Angel Christmas Ornaments
There are some gorgeous angel Christmas ornaments available to hang on your tree like the one featured here -
Let The Christmas Spirit Brighten Your World - ORNAMENTS
The features of this angel Christmas ornament are divine and it's unmistakably a Precious Moments Christmas ornament.
Made from Bisque porcelain you can even insert a tree light and watch this angel let off a heavenly glow!
Angels have played an important role in the story of Christmas even before the first one ever happened which is one of the reasons why we've embraced the use of angel ornaments on our Christmas trees.
Let's look at a few more porcelain angel Christmas ornaments.......
Glass Angel Christmas Ornaments
There are such a wide choice of different types of angel Christmas ornaments that it's hard to know which ones to chose. The porcelain angels are cool, but I must admit I love glass Christmas ornaments - I blame my parents for that as it stems back to a family holiday where we went to the little island of Murano in Venice and watched men blow glass..........I couldn't afford any of the ornaments for sale then, but now.....
Angels in particular always seem even more serene when they're fashioned out of glass, especially hand blown glass.
Wooden Angel Christmas Ornaments
When the first Christmas trees were used they were usually undecorated and then they were gradually decorated with edible items before artisans (mainly from Germany) began to make the early Christmas ornaments. Angels were among the early Christmas ornaments made for Christmas trees and the first ornaments were made from either wax, glass or wood.
Wooden Christmas ornaments are still popular today and I've managed to find some Christmas angel ornaments made of wood for you right here -
Make Your Own Angel Christmas Ornaments
There are so many more angel Christmas ornaments that I could show you that it's really hard to narrow the selection down. Angel Christmas ornaments are also easy to make and are a great Christmas craft to do with your children.
Paper angels and felt angels can both be made very easily by young children and as they get older you can also make beaded angels (which are absolutely gorgeous.
Here are some links which show you how to make your own Angel Christmas Ornaments.
Coffee Filter Angel Ornament
This angel is absolutely gorgeous and it's hard to believe that she was easily made using coffee filters!
Cardboard Tube Angel
A great recycling Christmas craft that can also end up decorating your Christmas tree - what could be better?
Noodle Christmas Angel Ornament
This angel ornament is made from store brought pasta noodles and is very similar to a table top angel ornament that my daughter made in grade 3.
How To Make a Christmas Tree Angel Ornament
This site has three different ways in which you can make angel Christmas ornaments.
Of course you can also buy kits that have everything you need in them to make an angel Christmas ornaments. I especially like the beading kits that are available to make Christmas ornaments with.
Make or Buy?
What's Your Favorite Type of Way To Decorate Your Christmas Tree?
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I usually let the grandchildren decorate the tree however they want. They usually make their own decorations.
I have a set of angels that I made from printed cloth and stuffed them. They add a homespun look to my tree.
I used to have a nice angel tree topper, and have several other angel ornaments. Your selection here is pretty.
They are adorable. I also loved the noodle Christmas tee decorations, but I am not sure if I will make them. Would be fun, once my grandchild is older.