Dog Food, Vitamins and Supplements

Bowser Beers and Treats: Meaty Drinks and Tasty Snacks From Jenny Brown of 3 Busy Dogs Inc
Names convey everything, nothing, or something. For example, Bowser beers and treats have dogs as their customer base. But they offer “human grade,” non-alcoholic ingredients.
Dog Food, Vitamins and Supplements

Dawg Grog: Sparkling Beer Invented for Lola Jane by Boneyard Beer Tap Man Daniel Keeton
People can enjoy alcoholic or sparkling drinks. They express friendship by drinking with friends. Non-alcoholic Dawg Grog now makes it possible for canines to get in on the rounds.
Dog Food, Vitamins and Supplements

Dog Beer: Elise Schumacher and Paws Point Brews Bottled Near Sydney Harbour for Aussie Canines
For canines and their Aussie pals, the acronym DB means Dog Beer. It results from alcohol-free, beef-filled brewing. It suits social bonding over drinks by dogs and their people.