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Professional Wrestling - A Crumbling Industry
LOL, well, to be fair I don't not (yea I used a double negative correctly hehe) like wrestling, I just never really watched it I guess- the theatrics to me seemed a bit much (back in the WWF before WWF was the world wildlife foundation haha). ...
Jerrico_Usher, on 03/21/2012
Vermont Covered Bridges
Thanks for all your comments! I hope those of you who haven't yet had the chance will get to cross those wooden structures someday. It is a little bit like stepping into the past.
sheilamarie, on 03/21/2012
Fun Things for Teens to Do This Summer
janices7, Glad you found this fun list of things for teens this summer. Cost effective and great fun. :)
katiem2, on 03/21/2012
Men Who Love Womens Shoes
Freestyler, Thank you for clearing that up, it was my hope to convey the very message, while some men may be that is not the intent of this article. Shoes are something many men and women adore and share. That's the point. Good to have you ...
katiem2, on 03/21/2012
#SayYesKatie! A Marriage Proposal Via Buzzfeed
And I love that you're trolling Doddsy over Rage Comics. I love the internetz.
JoHarrington, on 03/21/2012
#SayYesKatie! A Marriage Proposal Via Buzzfeed
le merried. le le. le troll. le win. Another great le article btw. le smiley face.
Stephen, on 03/21/2012
#SayYesKatie! A Marriage Proposal Via Buzzfeed
I love that you're correcting the grammar in a Rage Comic! I have the giggles so badly! x]
JoHarrington, on 03/21/2012
#SayYesKatie! A Marriage Proposal Via Buzzfeed
THAT IS NOT THE CORRECT USE OF 'LE' One of the few things that annoys me about Rage Comics. 'Le' is used to replace the word 'the.' Read that comic with 'the' instead of 'le' and you will see ...
Doddsy, on 03/21/2012
Jerrico Kensington Usher - Writer Extraordinaire
Welcome to the site. I love that you don't age, and congrats on becoming a dad to be. :)
lakeerieartists, on 03/21/2012
Runescape News: Pedophiles on the Prowl?
Agreed on all counts. Thank you very much for your insight and comment, Silvia. I'm struggling to think what else Jagex could do though. I'm the first to scream at them, when they do something I disagree with, but on this one, I think they're ...
JoHarrington, on 03/21/2012
Urbee: Green Car Made with 3D Printer
Anyone else think this is a cool idea?
sheilamarie, on 03/21/2012
Runescape News: Pedophiles on the Prowl?
Internet has lots of good things, but its largest part is not for kids. Parents should keep that in mind and take responsability, and as no normal mom/dad would let a child go out at night ...
SilviaAm, on 03/21/2012
Runescape News: Pedophiles on the Prowl?
Jethraw - I'd be honoured if you would. Thank you! Fred - Merci beaucoup! As you can see, I already have Canting Away signed on to this awareness campaign. <3 I agree with you. I've never seen anything like this, but I do have to have ...
JoHarrington, on 03/21/2012
Runescape News: Pedophiles on the Prowl?
good article -as usual :p- Merch. I have played RS for over 7 years and never came anything close to pedophiles. Bullying / racism is, on the other hand, rather common. It is easy to evade ...
Fred Gwyar, on 03/21/2012
Runescape News: Pedophiles on the Prowl?
I'll definitely advertise this article on my blog (with your permission), unfortunately, it's not something I think I have much ground to work with for the community as a whole.
Jethraw, on 03/21/2012

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