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Chitika Pay You to Use Their Maps
OK. I went to my chitika account and found the maps tab, got the code. Now what? If I want to add the map to my wizzley article, what do I do with the code? Sorry for being so dumb.
Sheri_Oz, on 03/21/2012
How Does Chitika Work?
The Chitika ones are added automatically, as long as you have your account name in the Wizzley settings. I'm guessing that you have, because you've received the 90 impressions that are showing. You're very welcome and keep up the good work. <3
JoHarrington, on 03/21/2012
How Does Chitika Work?
Thanks for the positive feedback on my pages. I will get more up. Now, from your comment, I am wondering if I need to add ads myself - I thought these were added automatically.
Sheri_Oz, on 03/21/2012
Where to Find Modest, Inexpensive Women's Yoga Clothes
I haven't been to a yoga class yet, but this is great to know. Being able to find what I need if I were to go(and my co-workers are working on me) would be great to get at a thrift shop.
terrilorah, on 03/21/2012
Ostara: Celebrating the Wiccan Spring Equinox
It's good to see that you've been probably welcomed into a circle. It may be pure coincidence, but since Ostara, it's been beautiful sunshine out there. I've been going out in a t-shirt, without even grabbing a cardigan!
JoHarrington, on 03/21/2012
#SayYesKatie! A Marriage Proposal Via Buzzfeed
Len certainly let the whole world know! LOL
JoHarrington, on 03/21/2012
Sherlock (BBC): Season Two Showdown with Moriarty
I'm glad that you liked it. I really, really can't wait for Sherlock 3. I'd happily even forgo another Dr Who to free Moffat and Gatiss up to write Sherlock; and that's from a life-long Who fan! Thanks for commenting.
JoHarrington, on 03/21/2012
Charles Dickens Books
Thanks for the info. Had no idea how he grew up but can you imagine a 'debtor's prison', that would have to be awful!
terrilorah, on 03/21/2012
Pictures of Little Red Squirrels
We have a rather large back yard and when those cute squirrels come out and explore it is so fun and relaxing watching them. We have a few families of squirrels here in PA.
terrilorah, on 03/21/2012
Backermann's Bakery in Whiteville, Tennessee
You are making me hungry..great article loaded with great marketing.
terrilorah, on 03/21/2012
What are Vidalia Onions?
I love Vidallia's and try to use them as much as I can. Thanks for all the info, had no idea there was a museum.
terrilorah, on 03/21/2012
Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe
I had no idea how to make these but they look sooooo good!
terrilorah, on 03/21/2012
Copyright Free Images For Commercial Use
Wow, thank you! I always have such a hard time finding legal photos. Great article!
terrilorah, on 03/21/2012
How to get rid of a Rabbit in the Garden
Oh Mike I had a question, I once heard that if you save your hair, when you get a hair cut, and sprinkle it around your garden the scent of human hair will help keep animals out. It may work till the first rain? The scent, if it does work, ...
katiem2, on 03/21/2012
Things flower and vegetable gardeners need to know about garden soil
Just came back to refresh my memory on what I learned here before, thanks for the useful tips as I find myself here again your the go to garden guru. I appreciate you extensive facts and attention to detail. Its in the little details so many ...
katiem2, on 03/21/2012

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