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How to Decorate Butterfly Cookies with Fondant Icing
My daughters will and love it. Thanks they always love it when I find a cool new spring activity, on spring break next week so you're a life saver :)
katiem2, on 03/21/2012
Ostara: Celebrating the Wiccan Spring Equinox
A dear friend of mine is Wiccan, I enjoy the equinox experience with her and the circle of others who embrace this moment of birth. I always feel so renewed and empowered after.
katiem2, on 03/21/2012
Toys for Dogs that Like to Chew
True. Since they need chewing exercise, the least we can do is provide our dogs with something nice and healthy.
DrDarko, on 03/21/2012
Jerrico Kensington Usher - Writer Extraordinaire
Welcome, What a great author intro page, I love the cats, the first kitten was heart touching much AWWW power. Loved all your childhood images and additions. I feel like I know you. Congrats on the baby :)
katiem2, on 03/21/2012
Copyright Free Images For Commercial Use
Thanks for this information. This is great as I'm always looking for pictures to use legally.
SusanZutautas, on 03/21/2012
#SayYesKatie! A Marriage Proposal Via Buzzfeed
My pleasure this is such a touching story that has a smile on my face. I love people who shout it from the roof tops!
katiem2, on 03/21/2012
Toys for Dogs that Like to Chew
This is just what my dog needs as he loves to chew on things, if I don't provide him with safe healthy chew toys he chews things he should not. Always looking for something new, thanks :)
katiem2, on 03/21/2012
Copyright Free Images For Commercial Use
Hey, we proudly present our list of Editor's Choices on Pixabay: Have a look - those photographs are simply wonderful!
Simon, on 03/21/2012
Sherlock (BBC): Season Two Showdown with Moriarty
Well I've been waiting for this, as you know I love Sherlock Holmes. Great article this fans happy :)
katiem2, on 03/21/2012
Copyright Free Images For Commercial Use
Thanks for sharing this information. I always struggle to find good free images. I am definitely checking out the site.
Jeannieinabottle, on 03/21/2012
Affordable Engagement Rings - No Pressure Sales
kinworm, I agree as I think most any girl would, an engagement ring is a very positive bond between any couple. Thanks for sharing your story, great idea to wear your engagement ring on a chain. :)
katiem2, on 03/21/2012
An Angel In Makeup
Thank you Maria. I hold a special place of memory and fondness in my heart for Wally, he definitely was a special man who appeared on the stage of my life back then. Kindness and love shone from him. The children were truly blessed to have met ...
VincentMoore, on 03/21/2012
Affordable Engagement Rings - No Pressure Sales
Angel, Thanks its good to get a girls point of view on engagement ring picks.
katiem2, on 03/21/2012
Choosing a Betta Fish for Your Apartment
Wow, that takes a lot of nerve to own piranha. I would never feel comfortable cleaning the tank. Salt water fish are so beautiful! They are just more of a challenge to care for, so I stick with freshwater fish. Thanks for reading my article ...
Jeannieinabottle, on 03/21/2012
Affordable Engagement Rings - No Pressure Sales
Debbie, Congratulations on your friends upcoming wedding plans how wonderful. Thanks for sharing this page I hope they find it useful. Its important for couples to put their head together and talk about the rings before they even think about ...
katiem2, on 03/21/2012

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