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Things I Love About Wizzley: No Hubpages Bull
@ kaazoom - I believe that to be their intention. With success comes a downfall. I can't speak for Squidoo, but Hubpages got too big to control, and had little control for too long. Edmonson has admitted that they do not know what to do to get ...
humagaia, on 02/21/2012
Can You Make Money with Chitika on Wizzley?
I have a few sites I don't want over ran with adds so I use Chitika and am quite happy with my add placement as I have control to chose. Chitika is a great example and good for you bringing to the attention of others. Its my feeling the more ...
katiem2, on 02/21/2012
Why Writers from HubPages Like Wizzley so Much
I'm sorry to hear you were treated so badly on the other website, but glad you found a home here :0) I hope you continue to recover from your accident. It must be good to be able to get back to writing again.
kaazoom, on 02/21/2012
Interdumdisphobia, Interdumdisphilia and Grave Damnum Syndrome: What are they? Do you suffer?
@Sam - it works for me!
humagaia, on 02/21/2012
Things I Love About Wizzley: Fan Pages Feed
@Kazoom welcome. I shall now pop over and 'fan' you so I can see when you start to write some articles. You may want to keep an eye open for an article that I am just finishing and that will be published later today. It may well give you food ...
humagaia, on 02/21/2012
What To Look For In A Travel Camera
Nice tips on taking great shots, I love the Nikon, my youngest wants one. I think I'll suggest she cleans up her room first. But seriously, once kids are old enough to take pictures its a great way to vary up the who's who in the photos and ...
katiem2, on 02/21/2012
Ninjago T-Shirts
My daughter love ninja stuff, she's always ninja this ninja that, a good thing to be as it imposers kids to do anything.
katiem2, on 02/21/2012
Things I Love About Wizzley: No Hubpages Bull
i tried HP but didn't like their format, Squidoo was my first experience of this type of platform. It's good to know that Wizzley flags up problems straight away. I'm sure they have also learnt from the problems Squidoo and HP have had with ...
kaazoom, on 02/21/2012
Quinoa Cookbook
Thanks for adding your support and recommendation, ChefKeem! Means a lot coming from a real chef!
Sam, on 02/21/2012
Interdumdisphobia, Interdumdisphilia and Grave Damnum Syndrome: What are they? Do you suffer?
Lol, 'Amazon Hypnotizing Carrousel' ;-)
Sam, on 02/21/2012
How to Find Topics Nobody is Writing About
You are welcome, Kaazoom! Glad I could help you with finding some new, fresh ideas and topics.
Sam, on 02/21/2012
Things I Love About Wizzley: Fan Pages Feed
Thank you for the tip. I haven't written any pages I'm spending time getting to know this platform. It might have taken me some time to find that button.
kaazoom, on 02/21/2012
How to Find Topics Nobody is Writing About
Thank you for some great ideas. I'm always looking for ways of coming up with new topics to write about.
kaazoom, on 02/21/2012
Quinoa Cookbook
I love quinoa for its great taste, texture, and versatility. Oh, yeah - the health benefits are staggering too! I own this book. I think it's (at least one of) the best on the market. The images are gorgeous and the recipes are actually quite ...
chefkeem, on 02/21/2012
Interdumdisphobia, Interdumdisphilia and Grave Damnum Syndrome: What are they? Do you suffer?
For those that like to go on fairground rides, try pressing either arrow on the carousel above, and keep it pressed. I just did that and nearly fell over through giddiness. Freaky.
humagaia, on 02/21/2012

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