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Things I Love About Wizzley: No Hubpages Bull
Those that got out in the first round, and not relied on others saying that it would be OK in the end, were the wise ones. Once bitten, twice shy I say. I've stopped writing there altogether. The hubs that are of any use will be transferred as ...
humagaia, on 02/15/2012
Things I Love About Wizzley: No Hubpages Bull
You are not alone sir, I to have many eggs in that basket, and as many I to am frustrated to say the least. Thanks for everything, Mike
teddletonmr, on 02/15/2012
Things I Love About Wizzley: Fan Pages Feed
My pleasure
humagaia, on 02/15/2012
Selecting the best vegetable garden site
Having a vegetable garden in a small yard with lots of shade is doable. Just select several small sites around the back and front yard where a few veggies will grow. Companion planting is a great way to controll pests, and offer a bit of a ...
teddletonmr, on 02/15/2012
Things I Love About Wizzley: No Hubpages Bull
You miss nothing, Mike. It is my problem that I have my eggs there. I have to unpick all of the cardigan I have knitted. It will take time an effort. It has to be done carefully. It has to be planned. Whilst the beast is alive I can still milk ...
humagaia, on 02/15/2012
Things I Love About Wizzley: Fan Pages Feed
Thank you kind sir.
teddletonmr, on 02/15/2012
Things I Love About Wizzley: No Hubpages Bull
Well stated, my quandry however is to use the wounded animal analogy. The wounded animal devotes it's energies to survival, regainging it's formal glory. From all accounts HP is taking actions that are counter productive to it regaining it's ...
teddletonmr, on 02/15/2012
In the Wake of ACTA Comes the Trans-Pacific Partnership
You've just encapsulated, in a nutshell, my thoughts on the matter. It's also the fact that these big corporations want to be the gatekeepers of creativity.
JoHarrington, on 02/15/2012
Occupy Valentine's Day! Taking on the Romance Industry
Hear, hear, brlamc!
JoHarrington, on 02/15/2012
Using the IGI to Trace Your Family Tree
As a genealogist, I love that the IGI exists, but that story just made me cringe. Simon Wiesenthal and Elie Wiesel are both famously Jewish, so it certainly goes against the 1995 agreement between the two religions to have them on the list.
JoHarrington, on 02/15/2012
Elegant Hydrangea Wedding Invitations
Thank you kinworm and Brenda. Hydrangeas are so pretty, it's hard to go wrong with this theme.
dustytoes, on 02/15/2012
Why I Don't Do Keyword Research
@samsons1 Thanks Sam. I used to think about retiring. Now I'm not sure I'll be able to stop doing this!
TerriRexson, on 02/15/2012
Why I Don't Do Keyword Research
Very interesting article, and to find out that some of us simply enjoy placing words in sequence for the mere joy it brings is somehow rewarding in itself...
samsons1, on 02/15/2012
Why I Don't Do Keyword Research
@Sam @Lissie I think my longtails are longer than yours! I'm not after keyword phrases that are less common but still profitable. Instead I am after the extreme long tail - the searches that will only ever be typed a handful of times - I just ...
TerriRexson, on 02/15/2012
Things I Love About Wizzley: Fan Pages Feed
It is set to on. In the Twitterfeed article you can find an explanation in 'Twitterfeed: Advanced Settings': so you don't 'mess it up'. One thing to add - you could pick a few authors that post articles that fit your Twitter profile. That is ...
humagaia, on 02/15/2012

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