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Bad Mother Stories: Disorganised
Wow, Rowen! Don't take things so seriously!!! I don't! I have added a smiley face at the end if that makes you feel better. I like to write about things, I like to talk, sorry it offends you! :-) It DID however teach me to record things on my ...
MuminBusiness, on 01/08/2012
In A World Without Light
It's amazing how differently people can see things. A world without religion can be very positive. Us humanists tend to think deeply about moral issues - we know there is no one else to do it for us.
TerriRexson, on 01/08/2012
Family History: First Steps in Tracing your Genealogy
Hi Anna, I too remember that great sigh of relief, when so many genealogical databases appeared on-line. I was one of the people who volunteered to transcribe the FreeBMD, which is now available on It must have been so ...
JoHarrington, on 01/08/2012
Family History: First Steps in Tracing your Genealogy
I wrote an article like this a year ago and remember trying to research my family tree when I was in High School. Unfortunately, in America, many people came here and considered themselves ...
Anna , on 01/08/2012
Adopting Out Unwanted Pets
I see so many ads on Craigslist for pets people do not want because they are over the initial excitement. Drives me crazy and is so unfair to them.Being a pet owner is a big commitment and people should get that going in. You offer some good ...
ThePartyAnimal, on 01/08/2012
Heart Shaped Egg Breakfast
Some great, fun ideas for heart shaped eggs here.
Marie, on 01/08/2012
Romantic Valentine's Gifts for Girl Geeks
That plush paramecium is amazing!
tandemonimom, on 01/08/2012
Family History: First Steps in Tracing your Genealogy
Hi Shonna, You're very welcome! It sounds to me like we owe a great debt to your grandmother. History tends to be judged on the movements of monarchs and presidents, which isn't telling nearly all of the story. It's the smaller settings that ...
JoHarrington, on 01/08/2012
Family History: First Steps in Tracing your Genealogy
My grandmother was an oral historian, she helped start the oral history department at the archives in the local University. Interviews were done with a variety of people, and what she believed ...
Shonna, on 01/08/2012
Why Trace your Family History?
Hi Dustytoes, That would have been awful for him/her, but potentially great for you. It's worth checking the newspapers on and around that date to see if it was reported. If you're very lucky, then the whole post-mortem would have been ...
JoHarrington, on 01/08/2012
Air Swimmers Remote Control Inflatable Flying Shark
Funcionou!!! :-))
Josefa, on 01/08/2012
What to do after buying an android phone
I'm not suggesting this as a long term strategy, but it IS recommended when you buy the phone and it's new, so that the software knows just where it's at with the amount of charge still left in the battery. Making it run as low as you can and ...
spirituality, on 01/08/2012
Why Trace your Family History?
One of the interesting aspects in my family history is that one of my ancestors was listed as being "killed by Indians".
dustytoes, on 01/08/2012
Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake Recipes
That does sound tasty! No one in the family is gluten intolerant but it's a good way to use some quinoa and get a bit of variety.
TerriRexson, on 01/08/2012
Addressing Common Problems That Kids Have with 2nd Grade Math
It's amazing how many people pass through school without ever really getting math. It's definitely important to take the steps to address any problems early.
TerriRexson, on 01/08/2012

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