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How Do I Make Folders on iPhone
Very useful information for those looking to make a folder on iphone.
bhthanks, on 01/08/2012
Eight Common Winter Backyard Birds
These are beautiful pictures of winter birds!
bhthanks, on 01/08/2012
Where To Find Free Pictures For Your Articles
Thank you for some very useful pointers! I only knew of a few of the sites you listed and am really happy to learn about all the new ones you mentioned. Great article!
jblack, on 01/08/2012
What You Don't Know About Trees Could Be Costing You More Than You Think
Yes, I share your sentiments Terri. Trees are amazing and there is such a variety. I've had the chance to do some backpacking a couple of times in National Forests and it is always so enjoyable. Thank you for the comment.
jblack, on 01/08/2012
Wizzley Earnings Goals and Results for 2012
Interesting concept and I look forward to following your progress as you give future updates. You have a well thought out plan and I think you are likely to achieve the goals you outlined. Good luck!
jblack, on 01/08/2012
Being Sandra Lynn Sparks
Very interesting, I must follow you, happy I stumbled upon this in the forum. Katie
katiem2, on 01/08/2012
Doctor Who Disappearing Tardis Coffee Mug
Very cool, love Dr. Who and wait till my daughter an even bigger fan see's these amazing disappearing tardis coffee mugs. Thanks Katie
katiem2, on 01/08/2012
Branding You, Branding Me, Branding Wizzley
i COMPLETELY AGREE! I vow to do my best to both brand myself and the wizzley community drawing a quality ranking and traffic from Google. Quality is after all knowing what is offered and knowing it can be found at the same source every time. ...
katiem2, on 01/08/2012
How to Hold an Apron Parade
I love wearing aprons, I've always been a professional woman, early on, enjoying My Grandmothers tradition of wearing aprons. I collect and wear aprons anytime I'm cooking. It takes me back to a more simple time, brings out my femine side and ...
katiem2, on 01/08/2012
GLO Brilliant
Are you happy with the results so far?
bhthanks, on 01/08/2012
In A World Without Light
Thanks, Michey!! :)
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 01/08/2012
In A World Without Light
You are a deep thinker Jeanie, I life without a belief is a poor life and mistakes are so easy to power that life. When religion was part of the children's education we have more respectful kids, less drop out, better performances in school, and ...
Michey, on 01/08/2012
In A World Without Light
Thanks, Phil...your support is always appreciated. And, if you are going to put it out there, you have to be prepared for rebuttal. I appreciate the fact that Terri had the courage to voice her opinion.
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 01/08/2012
In A World Without Light
Humanist. Interesting. When a person's life begins to come to an end - the 'humanist' in everyone will say to itself "wonder if....." "what if I was wrong?" There's a song by Brooks & Dunn ...
Phil Davidson, on 01/08/2012
In A World Without Light
Terri, I disagree that we, as Christians, depend on God to do things for us. With God, we have a set of rules to live by and, if followed, the corrupt side of people will dissolve. Faith comes from believing in God's rule book, following it and ...
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 01/08/2012

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