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What is SAD?
Hi Jimmie, I just looked at your hub and quite like it. I think a lot of people feel down when the weather is cold and dark. Thanks for your input!
MuminBusiness, on 01/07/2012
Wizzley Earnings Goals and Results for 2012
Yes, you are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your goals to give the rest of us a nudge.
sheilamarie, on 01/07/2012
Chicken In Wine Sauce with Rice Pilaf
I've never made my own cream of chicken soup but I use Pacific Natural Foods brand organic condensed soups when cooking. They are all natural with no preservatives in them. I try to stay away from processed and preserved foods. Not good for ...
cardelean, on 01/07/2012
What to do after buying an android phone
Do NOT "go for a series of full charge and discharges." That's for nickel-cadmium batteries, androids have Lithium-Ion batteries, and it is suggested NOT to discharge them repeatedly.
KnowzGuy, on 01/07/2012
Shopping in Paris: Printemps department store
My son lives in France. One of the first times we went to visit, he brought me to Printemps, not so much to shop but to see the view from the top floor lookout. I think it may also be a coffee shop, but you can go up there and see a beautiful ...
sheilamarie, on 01/07/2012
Fruity Preserve Filled Heart Sugar Cookies
He he! If you like jam you will love these cookies. Thanks Party Animal.
Marie, on 01/07/2012
Fruity Preserve Filled Heart Sugar Cookies
Thanks for the drool on my keyboard - lol I love Jam Cookies, now I have to make some.
ThePartyAnimal, on 01/07/2012
Silver Heart Pendant Necklace
I think I'd be lucky to get any gift - I'm not holding my breath!
Barbara Walton, on 01/07/2012
Why Home Made Cakes are Better
Yes! I agree with Jimmie and with you, Fanfreluche. Homemade is definitely best.
sheilamarie, on 01/07/2012
Trunki - Rideable Luggage for Kids by Melissa & Doug
My daughter has a Trunki and loves it. It is enough to hold things for a weekend away but much more useful to use as a boredum buster at an airport to fill with their toys and coloring and also something they can ride on!
Marie, on 01/07/2012
How to Draw a Heart
I like this - I know my daughter will enjoy it too. I'm going to cut the shapes out of paper and assemble them together for her like a magic trick. She loves it when I do origami for her.
Marie, on 01/07/2012
In A World Without Light
Absolutely, Cathy! Thanks for sharing!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 01/07/2012
Silver Heart Pendant Necklace
I'd love one! You've got some truly gorgeous silver heart pendant necklaces here.
Marie, on 01/07/2012
Wizzley Earnings Goals and Results for 2012
I don't understand why your goals start out so low for the beginning of the year since you've already earned $1,000 in Dec. 2011. Regardless, you are a real inspiration to me! Keep going and leading the way, Terri!
Jimmie, on 01/07/2012
What is SAD?
Ugh! I know the pain of SAD. I don't think I ever had the full blown disorder, but I certainly am affected by lack of direct sunlight and blue skies. When I lived in gloomy, smoggy, overcast China, this was a terrible problem. I struggled ...
Jimmie, on 01/07/2012

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