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Making a Living Online - My Journey
Thank you! your success inspires all of us who want to make a full time living on line!
petunia, on 12/25/2011

Making a Living Online - My Journey
Thanks Samsons1 for following my work. Truly appreciate it. I wish you success as well. Happy New Year!!
Natasha, on 12/25/2011

Make Money Online Easily With Wizzley
Samsons1 I too think that If I had spent more time on Wizzley I would have been able to see more great a result. And like you I also have made a new year resolution to spend more time on Wizzley. I am happy that this page motivated you, you ...
Natasha, on 12/25/2011

Making a Living Online - My Journey
I really enjoy reading about your success. I just commented on another one you wrote about using keywords. Congratulations again and I wish you much success as you continue writing into the New Year...
samsons1, on 12/25/2011

Make Money Online Easily With Wizzley
I'm amazed. I wish I had spent more time on Wissley. Likewise the Panda change on HubPages affected me greatly and I've allowed that to affect me negatively. No more! I've already made a New Years resolution to devote more time and effort ...
samsons1, on 12/25/2011

Adam Lambert - His Music
Thanks! He truly is a very versatile singer and performer.
MuminBusiness, on 12/25/2011

NORAD: Tracking Santa Claus on Christmas Eve
I watched him go to Spain, then head on to Africa. Then I was side-tracked by fixing a friend's computer via Crossloop. When I looked again, he was in Derry! I figured I'd better rush to bed, as he'd patently flown over my house and seen I was ...
JoHarrington, on 12/25/2011

NORAD: Tracking Santa Claus on Christmas Eve
Love it! We alway use this to track Santa across the World :-)
pkmcr, on 12/25/2011

Best Laptop For Writing, Blogging & Content Creation On The GO
Hey samsons1,
Most people will still buy and purchase a laptop for time to come, due to the many sites people write on are not quite yet tablet savvy.
Either via an app or via direct web access. But over time this will change and tablets will ...
Kangaroo_Jase, on 12/25/2011

The Ultimate Matrix Collection On Blu Ray
Eh Wayne!
Yes, I absolutely love these films as well. I thoroughly enjoyed the first one also from a technical aspect, which was the film was made in the city where I grew up and was living in at the time, Sydney, Australia.
Yeah, the last film ...
Kangaroo_Jase, on 12/25/2011

Writing Online For Content On Many Sites
Thanks samsons1,
I like many others such as yourself got hit with a ditch in traffic when Panda hit HubPages. I was using other sites but not to the extent I am now. The portfolio needs to be wide and varied so if one platform, for any reason, ...
Kangaroo_Jase, on 12/25/2011

Adam Lambert - His Music
Great article. I fell in love with Adam's music on American Idol as well. He is definitely a top-notch entertainer and musician. I was disappointed that he didn't win because he was without a doubt the best singer on the show. However I knew ...
ExploreDecor, on 12/25/2011

How to Use Wizzley’s Amazon Module
i like the first two options- the list and the gallery as half page modules
bhthanks, on 12/24/2011

Butterfly Cakes and Cupcakes
Some beautiful butterfly cake ideas here.
Marie, on 12/24/2011

"It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas..."
Thank you for you comment! Merry Christmas to you also!
Jewelsofawe, on 12/24/2011