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The Breastfed Baby - A moment
It's lovely and I miss it. But I know it doesn't work out for everyone. The support for breastfeeding in the UK is pretty poor in my experience.
TerriRexson, on 12/21/2011
Lego Ninjago 2012 - Snakes
the green ninja is lloyd garmadon
bob jones, on 12/21/2011
How To Draw And Color A Complete Troll Head
Cheers now Kinworm! I'm drawing a Minotaur head next and full figure of a Minotaur and maybe a Goblin and an Orc!
onepagearticles, on 12/21/2011
Wicca: The Wheel of the Year
Thank you very much. <3
JoHarrington, on 12/21/2011
Wicca: The Wheel of the Year
A very interesting article ;).
Guest, on 12/21/2011
Stuffed Dachshund Toys
Thanks Ethel. I think it's great that there are so many different dog breeds available as stuffed toys now.
Marie, on 12/21/2011
Elephant Jewelry - Necklaces, Earrings, Rings, Pins, and Bracelets
I have an elephant nut in my family who would these items. Some great stocking fillers
ethelsmith, on 12/21/2011
Stuffed Dachshund Toys
I agree with you. These are just the cutest stuffed dogs. Lovely
ethelsmith, on 12/21/2011
What will 2011 go down in history for?
That is very true Kinworm. Sadly we do seem on the edge right now. Hopefully we will pull back
ethelsmith, on 12/21/2011
Elephant Jewelry - Necklaces, Earrings, Rings, Pins, and Bracelets
You probably know I'm a huge animal fan from my pages. This Elephant jewelry is just gorgeous. Love those pins.
Marie, on 12/21/2011
What will 2011 go down in history for?
Every year brings its share of trials and tribulations. But without any darkness, would we ever truly appreciate the light?
Marie, on 12/21/2011
Bring Me Sunshine
Staying positive is key to mental well-being. You never know when sharing a smile will really help someone who is feeling down. Thanks for sharing some sunshine today!
Marie, on 12/21/2011
How To Draw And Color A Complete Troll Head
I'm a big fantasy fan and would love to be able to draw a mean troll. I've used Prismacolor pencils and they're really great.
Marie, on 12/21/2011
Gourmet Vegan Chocolate - Truffles, Peanut Butter Cups and Bars
Mmm, these vegan chocolates look delicious! My sister is a vegan so I'm always looking for things she can eat and enjoy.
Marie, on 12/21/2011
How to Create Quality Comments on Wizzley
Very interesting and important article. I find it incredible how much insightful and relevant comments can add to an article - and turn in into lively discussion and dialogue. Also, it is so much easier for the article writer to reply to ...
Michaela, on 12/21/2011

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