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Constant and Never ending Improvement
One of the problems with changing our behavior in a sustainable way is that we have to change the assumptions that underlined the old behavior. This is a real challenge so it does require us to examine our assumptions if we are to achieve ...
ronpass, on 05/28/2011
Vintage Style Wedding Invitations
I like these invitations!
Jewelsofawe, on 05/28/2011
Missouri Botanical Garden
It looks so inviting - your photos are, as always, a real treat.
theraggededge, on 05/28/2011
What NOT to write in your online profile
Susan - passion for family is ok, of course. I just find "passion for....(a long sentence about helping others achieve success)" a bit phony. :)
chefkeem, on 05/28/2011
Five Useful Herbs for Your Garden
Thanks for the suggestions. I've always wanted to try growing herbs but was never quite sure what to try.
mbgphoto, on 05/28/2011
Apple MacBook
All I use are Macs and Linux/Unix computers. Haven't touched windows since the 20th century. I'm writing this on a Macbook Pro and I use this computer 10-12 hours every day.
I use it mostly with ...
John Dilbeck, on 05/28/2011
Ten Ways to NOT Make Money on Zazzle
Thank you all! Glad we have some shared sense of humor. Happy Zazzling!
Deb, on 05/28/2011
Who is Jewelsofawe
Wow Patricia! You are so creative, yet grounded. I'm jealous!
mandeesears, on 05/28/2011
Michey Hobbies
Thanks, Michey...I inherited my writing abilities from my Great Aunt Mae. When she wrote for the newspaper many years ago, she called herself the SidewalkPhilosopher so I borrowed it from her.
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 05/28/2011
Candy Buffet at Wedding | Sweets Table at Wedding
Great point Nancy. Thanks for reading everyone!
mandeesears, on 05/28/2011
Coconut Macaroons - Tres Leches Recipe
I love coconut and these look wonderful!
mbgphoto, on 05/28/2011
Candy Buffet at Wedding | Sweets Table at Wedding
A sweets table or candy buffet sounds like a great way to handle 3 different issues at a wedding. Food for guests, decor and a gift to take home. Perfect!
petunia, on 05/28/2011
Who is Susan52?
Thank you, ladies! Joan, indeed we will meet! Gotta make that happen!
Susan52, on 05/28/2011
Paula Atwell: Artist, Writer, and Owner of Cleveland Gallery, Lake Erie Artists Gallery
You're a busy lady, Paula! Thanks for sharing about your life. I love what you said about the future of all business being online. It's hard to imagine just where we'll be five years from now, but I'm glad I'm on the right road, headed in the ...
Susan52, on 05/28/2011
Who is Susan52?
What fun! Loved the slide show of your precious family at Christmastime! And again, I am thankful for your friendship and support through our daily lives on the net together! Someday we will meet in person!
petunia, on 05/28/2011