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How to Use Wizzley’s Amazon Module
Great explanations. I haven't created a Wizzley in a while, but I don't think I had used the Gallery, as I remember not liking the small photos. I think I will do a bit of editing now, then ...
Rhonda, on 12/22/2011
What Is Kindle?
It is exciting. Your mom is going to love her Kindle. I am glad you enjoyed the What is Kindle? Page.
nightbear, on 12/22/2011
Days to Celebrate in February
Umbrella Day? Now that's a celebration!
sheilamarie, on 12/21/2011
Couples Interlocking Necklaces
Romantic? Yes! You bet!
sheilamarie, on 12/21/2011
Fashion Nail Polish
I think of you as my fashionista specialist, Lou. I would never have had any idea that mint green nail polish was "in." See how having a daughter keeps you on the cool side of life?
sheilamarie, on 12/21/2011
Leveraging a Product Review for Maximum Benefit
Very Informative article. Yours always are. I need all the help I can get. I am new to all of this. Thanks.
Angel, on 12/21/2011
Girls Butterfly Bedroom
These bedroom ideas are stunning! Butterflies are so cheerful.
sheilamarie, on 12/21/2011
Guide to Getting Amazon Sales
This was very helpful to me. Thanks. Great article.
Angel, on 12/21/2011
Unique Puzzle Rings
Nice idea, Lou. Jewelry is always a great gift to give and to receive.
sheilamarie, on 12/21/2011
The Breastfed Baby - A moment
I do remember the amazing feeling of nursing. It was truly relaxing. The tshirts are hilarious! I would never have had the nerve to wear something like that.
Jimmie, on 12/21/2011
Simple Maple Syrup Recipes
I like my maple syrup simply over plain yogurt because I still enjoy the very particular maple taste.
Fred @ Savorique, on 12/21/2011
Christmas Tree – Real or Artificial?
Unfortunately I have horrible allergies so I have to use a fake tree. To make up for the fact that they don't smell, I get a pine-scented Yankee candle to burn. And we've had our tree for at least 15 years - hopefully we are coming out ahead ...
janices7, on 12/21/2011
iPhone Gloves - Texting Gloves That Work
I love it here at Wizzley!
potpiegirl, on 12/21/2011
Leader vs Manager: Myths and Misconceptions
It has always been my opinion that you manage things and lead people.
hartnana, on 12/21/2011
The Breastfed Baby - A moment
Hiya TerriRexson, I think I was one of the lucky few who got more support from the midwives than even my own family! If not for the great midwives, this wizz would not have been written! I was so nervous at the start and it was painful and I ...
MuminBusiness, on 12/21/2011