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Sewing Crafts to Repurpose Jeans
What nice gift ideas, thanks so much...
samsons1, on 10/27/2011
How To Sew A Button On
Well written and illustrated, thanks, and as you say, very easy. I do most of the sewing and mending in my home. Oh, my wife still quilts, but I sew on the buttons, do the hemming, replace zippers, make the curtains etc...
samsons1, on 10/27/2011
Wizzley vs Hubpages vs Squidoo: Which is more User (& Bank) Friendly
Great article and comparison. I have articles on each, and while Squidoo is my 'home' for the moment, I do find it rather hard to add lenses and keep maintaining them. I don't care at all for Hubpages, don't even remember when I last visited my ...
marciag, on 10/27/2011
How To Polish Stones: Tumbling Rocks
That's what brought me to polishing stones as well. I got myself a few tumbled rocks from Ebay and I was hooked. I wanted to learn how to get there. Now I can say in many cases that truly all my jewelry is 100% handmade: from the rough rock all ...
marciag, on 10/27/2011
How To Polish Stones: Tumbling Rocks
I am not ready to start polishing myself, but I love jewellery with polished stones. There is something special in the way the colors are brought out on the surface!
Mujjen, on 10/27/2011
What is Chorizo? The Best Chorizo Sausage for Your for Your Recipes
Looks like it would make a tasty meal.
Holistic_Health, on 10/27/2011
Home made Organic Pineapple wine
Happy happy joy joy! Proof that everything tastes better fermented.
Holistic_Health, on 10/27/2011
A Review of the One Touch Hands-Free Can Opener
I was not aware of this particular opener. I will be quite interested in hearing how it does over time. That is always an issue with can openers in my house.
lakeerieartists, on 10/26/2011
How To Sew A Button On
I agree. Basic sewing skills are quite important from sewing on a button to fixing a hem. I find that repairing the hem on a curtain or a small tear in a sheet, gives items a whole lease on life and really keeps down expenses. You don't need to ...
Digby_Adams, on 10/26/2011
A Review of the One Touch Hands-Free Can Opener
I love the very personal way you write reviews. That is so helpful to readers. Here's your Wizzley star: * (Editor's Choice; front page placement)
chefkeem, on 10/26/2011
Wizzley vs Hubpages vs Squidoo: Which is more User (& Bank) Friendly
Good comparison. I like the idea of not "putting all your eggs in one basket," so think we should write on more than one site, but I definitely love Wizzley for its ease of use!
sheilamarie, on 10/26/2011
Tipping Hairdressers - What Is The Proper Tipping Etiquette?
I normally tip $1-2. I get cheap haircuts, often with a coupon. Pretty much what I save with the coupon is what I give back to the stylist. It works out, and the stylist is happy.
Jimmie, on 10/26/2011
How To Sew A Button On
Very useful information. Sewing has become a bit passe, and everyone should know how to repair a button. The tough thing is sewing it on so that it won't come back off within a few wearings. :) Passing this on to my college daughter.
lakeerieartists, on 10/26/2011
Attitudes and Education
Excellent article and so very true. If only we all had the 'guts' to go against the 'norm', the world would be a far better place! This article describes my boss exactly and he only employs ...
Allison, on 10/26/2011
Mulled Wine Spice
You can also add almonds. They get mushy and good. =D
irenemaria, on 10/26/2011