Latest comments
Danielle McGaw
Nice to meet you! I am also 41. Are you on Squidoo also?
Jewelsofawe, on 07/14/2011
Michey's Wizzography
Great wizzography! I have not made one. I only have 3 wizzley pages at this point. Nice to read more about you and see pics!
Jewelsofawe, on 07/14/2011
Katinka's Wizzography
Hey Katinka!
Just joined your fan club. It was interesting to read some more about you, I never knew these things about you.
Jewelsofawe, on 07/14/2011
It's me! nightbear!
Hi, Susan! Nice getting to know you again with this page. I retired from nursing a few years earlier than I planned--I was hoping to hold out to 65--but it didn't work out that way. Love it, though and you will too!
MaxReily, on 07/14/2011
Who is Jewelsofawe
Hi! Great to find you here! I enjoyed reading your page. Your poetry and photos are beautiful.
MaxReily, on 07/14/2011
Freebies For Kids In The Summer time
Great list of freebies.
sandyspider, on 07/14/2011
Coconut Water
I hadn't realized coconut water was trendy. Now I'm better informed.
TerriRexson, on 07/14/2011
Dinosaur Classroom Activities for Children
Hello, you might want to check out the free dinosaur colouring pages taken from my children's books, Dinosaur Roar, Swamp Stomp and Ten Terrible Dinosaurs <a ...
paul stickland, on 07/14/2011
Floral Light Switch Covers
Oh good, another zazzler.
Your photography is wonderful!
Guest, on 07/14/2011
Floral Light Switch Covers
How beautiful! And I love the idea of having floral light switch covers - a little pop of nature's beauty in every room!
petunia, on 07/14/2011
Freebies For Kids In The Summer time
Give my boys a stick and some dirt and they're happy for ages!
TerriRexson, on 07/14/2011
Unlocking your potential for Success
Thanks for the encouragement. It's so easy to get discouraged and to feel a failure. Your words give a person hope.
sheilamarie, on 07/14/2011
Tinkerbell Cakes
I vote for cupcakes, too. That display is really pretty!
sheilamarie, on 07/14/2011
Best Camera Phone on a Smartphone 2012
Well, I have to tell you, your picture caught my eye, and I had no choice but to click on this article even though I am not in the market for a smartphone. Silliness works.
sheilamarie, on 07/14/2011
Who is Jewelsofawe
It is wonderful to find your friends in new places. I love your work and think you are so great! I'm glad to learn more about you too.
nightbear, on 07/14/2011