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Ten Cats Have Hats | A Best Picture Book Review
I am familiar with the I Spy books, but I haven't seen this book. It does sound like a great book for children. I shall add it to my book list for future grandchildren :)
Sylvestermouse, on 06/29/2011
Paper dolls are never too old
Oh, I loved paper dolls when I was a little girl! They are a lot of fun to make and play with.
Sylvestermouse, on 06/29/2011
Google Plus 1 Button
You have to wait a little, sometime is a process of learning in users part, sometime you must adjust and write about subjects (niches) which people need the most and so on. Google +1 is very new. Google itself is monitoring and probably they ...
Michey, on 06/29/2011
101 Things To Do Instead of Eating When You Have The Munchies
Ha! Distraction may work. I like to do something productive that is NOT in the kitchen like cleaning the toilet. THAT will curb an appetite quickly.
Jimmie, on 06/29/2011
Google Plus 1 Button
I have added it to my blogs, but I think my readers don't understand it yet. (Or they don't think my content is worth of a +1 because I'm not getting any.)
Jimmie, on 06/29/2011
Regina's Big Mistake | A Best Picture Book Review
Another book on this theme (but tied more to artwork) is Ish by Reynolds. LOVE that book. If you've not read it, I highly recommend it.
Jimmie, on 06/29/2011
Christina Katerina and the Box | A Best Picture Book Review
You are right about picture books. A living book, regardless of the audience (adult or children) is wonderful to read!
Jimmie, on 06/29/2011
Best Picture Book Reviews
Another book lover here. I don't know if I love them as much as you, but I'd be willing to try to compete. ;-)
Jimmie, on 06/29/2011
Images From Nepal
Fantastic photos of such a far away land. (Of course, "far away is only far until you go.") I've never made it to Nepal.
Jimmie, on 06/29/2011
Who is the Real Barbara Radisavljevic?
I've enjoyed getting to know you better. I like your conversational, down-to-earth writing style.
Ramkitten, on 06/29/2011
Being Sandra Lynn Sparks
You are one talented lady!
Ramkitten, on 06/29/2011
Severus Snape Halloween costume and wig
LOL "first of all you will need a scowl" - yup, that's what a good Snape costume needs!
tandemonimom, on 06/29/2011
The Great Yoga Wall, for your home yoga studio
This is a brilliant invention! I love yoga, even though I rarely do it. Maybe something like this would actually movitate me! (Or maybe not ... LOL)
tandemonimom, on 06/29/2011
101 Things To Do Instead of Eating When You Have The Munchies
This is an impressive list! I notice a depressing number of them have to do with exercise, though ...
tandemonimom, on 06/29/2011
Things You Could Write About to Make Money Online
I agree that evergreen content is great. My problem - I write a lot of technical posts.... so everything is changing so rapidly on Internet that non of them will resist 50 years... LOL Thanks for ...
Michey, on 06/29/2011

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