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10 Famous Mermaids
The second subheading, Scylla, alerts us to the latter's waist decorations or weapons of protruding dogs. Do the dogs have different or similar ages, colors, dispositions, shapes and sizes? Do they exercise in place, get no exercise or have ...
DerdriuMarriner, 17 days ago
A Walk Around Mont Blanc
The Unitedstatesian government fined littering motorists in the 20th century. The 21st-century functions as litter fine- and ticket-free and furnishes litter picker-uppers for highway public-domain stretches at least twice yearly. Is Mont Blanc ...
DerdriuMarriner, 17 days ago
10 Famous Mermaids
Thank you for your comment below in answer to my previous observation and question. Might your article about forests in fairy tales be written also within the next months? Rest assured that forests in fairy tales and merpeople in European ...
DerdriuMarriner, 17 days ago
Edmund Dulac, Jack of all Trades
A stately restraint, in my opinion, characterizes the Dulac output. So I go more for Edmund Dulac as the rare jack of all trades, master of them all. Perhaps he had his favorite medium even as he perhaps kept it secret. Unitedstatesian ...
DerdriuMarriner, 17 days ago
A Walk Around Mont Blanc
Wow, what a beautiful hike. Glad he didn't let the beginning trials get him down. He got some great photos.
dustytoes, 17 days ago
A Walk Around Mont Blanc
Thanks for your thoughts. I appreciate your response. As I am too ill to tackle mountain walks communicating with people like you is a great pleasure for me.
frankbeswick, 18 days ago
A Walk Around Mont Blanc
Thanks for your thoughts. I appreciate your response. As I am too ill to tackle mountain walks communicating with people like you is a great pleasure for me.
frankbeswick, 18 days ago
Review of Knorr Asian Sides Teriyaki Noodles
It's nice to have more than what is needed than less. Might you have matched the leftovers to another chicken-wings meal or to something else?
DerdriuMarriner, 18 days ago
A Walk Around Mont Blanc
I love the Alps too. I live less then one hour of drive south of Julian Alps and I can look at them every day. But I managed only one hike this year so far. And not nearly as attractive as yours. Thank you for you photos and inspiration!
Tolovaj, 18 days ago
10 Famous Mermaids
Sorry, I am mostly familiar with merpeople in Europe. This subject is so huge I intend to write at least one article about merpeople in next months. I am sure i will know more then.
Tolovaj, 18 days ago
Edmund Dulac, Jack of all Trades
He started s caricaturist. He preferred lines at first but later he focused on colors. Even there he started with very limited pallette, mostly blues, and gradually added others. He started seriously use ochres only after ten years of ...
Tolovaj, 18 days ago
10 Famous Mermaids
Thank you for your comments below in answer to my previous observations and questions. Please accept my apologies if I ask this question a second time. The computer crashed. I don't know if my question ended extant or extinct -- ;-D -- from ...
DerdriuMarriner, 18 days ago
A Walk Around Mont Blanc
I took the striping to be cloud shadows. Why there is a blue element to it I know could be blue light scattered in the atmosphere..
frankbeswick, 18 days ago
A Walk Around Mont Blanc
Thank you for your comments below in answer to my previous observations and questions. All your son's in-text images are of such high-quality beauty (like those of his Aunt Veronica and of his mother ;-D). The last image particularly intrigues ...
DerdriuMarriner, 18 days ago
Edmund Dulac, Jack of all Trades
Isn't it interesting that he invoked the same high-quality commitment no matter what form of art interested him? Might Edmund Dulac have mentioned anywhere whether all art mattered equally to him or whether one form mattered above all ...
DerdriuMarriner, 18 days ago

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