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Film Review of Adventure in Baltimore: Shirley Temple in 1948 Suffragette Drama
Me too, I agree that Shirley Temple appeals to different-background, different-place, different-time audiences partly because of her beautifully childlike face, partly because of her comfortably pro-active demeanor, partly because of her relate ...
DerdriuMarriner, 19 days ago
Backyard Boldness Party Event Planning Takes in Hardwired Rewilding
In particular, I appreciate the last product, for its beautiful colors and its concentrated space. As much as I appreciate the above outdoor-party lighting, I arrange as much as possible for such lighting to be in inside rooms and on the ...
DerdriuMarriner, 19 days ago
How To Use Equine Photography For Mental Health Therapy
What a wonderful wizzley about just another way that horse sentients aestheticize and aid us and all the world! The second paragraph to the seventh subheading, Make Use of Camera Accessories and Add Ons, advises us that "Use the composition ...
DerdriuMarriner, 19 days ago
Pinterest Tips
I personally know just a few occasional users of Pinterest and thy mostly use it for inspiration. I wouldn't be so sure about the artists engaging in debate only. I have seen a few of them being very aggressive and not noble at all. But yes, ...
mihgasper, 22 days ago
Pinterest Tips
I think so, yes. Or, at least for some people. On second thought, I know quite a few people who are 'window-shopping' by touching stuff. They are looking through their sense of touch which obviously makes them relaxed. Pinterest has the touchy ...
mihgasper, 22 days ago
Back to the Thames
really inclement weather would reasonably have the race postponed, but the weather in Britain is rarely extreme for long, so a postponement is not likely to be for long.
frankbeswick, 23 days ago
Greening the Waters
We rarely eat oyster soup, but oysters are cooked and served in their shells.
frankbeswick, 24 days ago
Jesus Through Pagan Eyes: a Christian Reflection and Analysis
The terms spirit person and shaman overlap.
frankbeswick, 24 days ago
John Stuart Mill: a thinker for our time
There is little written about his thoughts on punishment.
frankbeswick, 24 days ago
Pelagius: a sadly traduced theologian
Ireland was divided into warring kingdoms besides having communications problems due to boggy land, so Christianity's spread was confined to the south.
frankbeswick, 24 days ago
His retirement was from paid work. But after about six years of voluntary work he was struck by a series of mini-strokes and was left disabled.
frankbeswick, 24 days ago
Saving the Wild Relatives
We do not eat potato skins other than those on potatoes, so I cannot provide an answer to that question.
frankbeswick, 24 days ago
The Christian Teaching on the Holy Spirit
I do not think so, but some might
frankbeswick, 24 days ago
The Legacy of Rome in Britain
Canal or aquaduct
frankbeswick, 24 days ago
What is Permaculture?
Opinions differ. Some say house and grounds are all one zone, but others use zero for the house.
frankbeswick, 24 days ago

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