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Safety in British Mountains
Thank you! This is somewhat -- inspired by pre- and post-Flood thoughts -- related, because my question about possible extant, and your answer about non-existent, Biblical traditions of the Ice Age. Is there any tradition about how God might ...
DerdriuMarriner, 8 days ago
Understanding Sacrament
Nothing is on record from the Last Supper about the last rites.
frankbeswick, 8 days ago
The afterlife: what Jesus taught and what developed later
Maternal. He served in the First World War. The Limerick ancestry is on the paternal side, via Dad's mother.
frankbeswick, 8 days ago
Rotating your crops
Low quality wheat and barley. The recipients of the wheat were the landlords.
frankbeswick, 8 days ago
Christian meditation
No. All masses are equal.
frankbeswick, 8 days ago
Understanding Sacrament
Thank you! John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ considered at least communicating "I'm sorry" to God. His Last Supper developed into the weekly Mass(es). Might anything that He said between the Last Supper and His death be ...
DerdriuMarriner, 8 days ago
The afterlife: what Jesus taught and what developed later
Thank you for your comment March 10, 2023, in answer to my previous-day question March 9, 2023. Is your Calvinist, Presbyterian grandfather maternal or paternal? Is he the grandfather of World War I service and with Limerick biogeography?
DerdriuMarriner, 9 days ago
Rotating your crops
The first subheading, The need for rotation Lessons from Ireland, considers that "The Irish were being made to grow the crops that were needed to pay rent and stay alive. Their corn went to pay rent, and they needed potatoes to sell to the mass ...
DerdriuMarriner, 9 days ago
Christian meditation
Thank you! There can be Friday and Saturday evening Masses. Do they have greater or similar import to morning Masses (typically at 7:30 a.m.)?
DerdriuMarriner, 9 days ago
Reflections on the Monarch's Death
There is no set period of mourning, but three days would be considered reasonable.
frankbeswick, 9 days ago
Christian meditation
Sunday mass cannot be substituted for mass on another day, but many Catholics who are unable to attend on Sunday make it up by going on another day.
frankbeswick, 9 days ago
Reflections on the Monarch's Death
Unitedstatesian tennis player Arthur Ashe appreciated the English people. The English love for flowers, manners, rituals and traditions particularly enchanted him. So is there an English tradition for the mourning-period length for a royal ...
DerdriuMarriner, 9 days ago
Beauty and the Beast - How Different Artists Saw the Beast Differently
Thank you for the VintageFairyTalePics link in the 10th subheading, about artist Jessie Willcox Smith. The art work by Jessie Marion King (1875-1949) and the second, Beauty-alone image by Arthur Rackham (1867-1939) appeal to met. That blue ...
DerdriuMarriner, 9 days ago
Beauty and the Beast - How Different Artists Saw the Beast Differently
Thank you for the Top Illustrations by Top Artists link in your 10th subheading, for artist Jessie Willcox Smith. The first paragraph in that link to Beauty and the Beast in pictures considers that "Let’s start with less known book written by ...
DerdriuMarriner, 9 days ago
Christian meditation
A hypothetical person faces a personal or professional conflict with Sunday Mass attendance. Is it considered making up for that nonattendance by morning Mass every day and Friday and Saturday evening Masses?
DerdriuMarriner, 9 days ago

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