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10 Famous Mermaids
Can't say much about their exercise. They look angry and dangerous, but there can be many reasons for that.
Tolovaj, 13 days ago
10 Famous Mermaids
Unfortunately, at the moment I am involved in so many projects, I can't promise too much. But as you can see, I try to publish a wiz every week or so.
Tolovaj, 13 days ago
Edmund Dulac, Jack of all Trades
I believe his main passion was design - to create something beautiful and ethernal within very realistic and life-like limitations. And of course, he loved to experiment with colors.
Tolovaj, 13 days ago
Jesus:the Hidden Years
Thank you for your comments below in answer to my previous observations and questions. Accent- and voice-related considerations caused me to consider modern languages that perhaps Jesus Christ encountered. Jesus Christ might have encountered ...
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
Saving the Toddbrook Dam
The third-last paragraph advises us of area rare liverworts and mosses. Are such area plants already analyzed and researched or are there losses to scientific knowledge?
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
The Last Supper
Thank you for your comments in answer to my previous comments and observations. Elizabeth Wayland, in her Mummies of Urumchi associates ancient Gaelic speakers in their trek from Asia through continental Europe to the British Isles with horse ...
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
The Little World of the Rockpool
Thank you for your comment below in answer to my previous observation and question. The library system catalogs Adam Nicolson with publications about Homerian relevance, the King James Bible, sea birds and Trafalgar. Might you have read any of ...
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
Growing in confined spaces
Your last paragraph advises us that "When you see a plant growing in a crack in the pavement you realize that life will find its space anywhere, it will surge up in the most unlikely places. Ideally, we might want a farm or a large garden, but a ...
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
Finding the Prince-Bishop's Chapel
The third paragraph to the first subheading, The prince-bishops, advises us of its predecessor abandoned for the thirteenth-century Auckland Palace. Did the "drafty castle" decline quickly or slowly or did it do some duty as something else?
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
Elenydd: quiet beauty at the heart of Wales
English Wikipedia equates Elenydd with elain -ydd, "fawn territory." Is the area known for a special young stage of a special deer genus?
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
Conceptions of God in World Religions
The second sentence to your introductory paragraph perhaps associates bearded-God and Sistine-Chapel depictions. Any signs and symbols in Sistine-Chapel art surely must have passed papal approval, correct? Would beards have been Christian ...
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
A Flower Show, a gold medal and a mini-tornado
The life of the moth is shared by moths world wide. Individual species have their preferred habitats for the cocoon stage. However, I have never known of any Malacosoma moths in Britain, so their distinctive methods of hibernation are not ...
frankbeswick, 13 days ago
A Flower Show, a gold medal and a mini-tornado
Caterpillars and their food displays cause me to consider winter into spring and spring into summer here. A caterpillar sign of spring arrivals comprises tent caterpillars (Malacosoma spp). Tent-caterpillar eggs dwell in white webbing in spring ...
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
Edmund Dulac, Jack of all Trades
The sixth subheading, stamp designer, alerts us to Edmund Dulac as philatelic portrayer. Is there such as thing as a list identifying the stamp designs top-most professionally presented by Edmund Dulac and top-most as his most preferred ...
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
Old English Lake District Traditional Recipes
May you -- and your entire family -- have a happy birthday today the 13th just in case yesterday the 12th might not have been your birth day. The rum-butter havver bread served as the perfect Veronica-recipe food for yesterday evening. It was a ...
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago

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