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The Monks Return to Whalley
The first paragraph in the third subheading, The New Community, advises us that "in other ways it will be modern, as the monks will not wear habits, but normal clothes." What are "normal clothes" for new-community monks?
DerdriuMarriner, 5 days ago
Sacred Gardens
Thank you! The Garden of Eden appears only to have been associated with Adam and Eve in the Old Testament, correct? But is there any tradition of any descendants or any non-descendants caring for, or going back to, the Garden of Eden?
DerdriuMarriner, 5 days ago
Rotating your crops
Thank you! You characterize landlords as employing Irish barley for their beer. Might the landlord-brewed beer have been consumed by landlord family and friends or would such beer have been sold?
DerdriuMarriner, 5 days ago
Different Versions of Red Riding Hood
The second detail under the third subheading, about the Perrault fairy-tale version, advises us that "while the mother at Grimms is presented as an authority who was not respected by the girl, Perrault presents the mother as a person who didn't ...
DerdriuMarriner, 5 days ago
Meet the Herods
Thank you! "Hera ode" appears strange to me for people who religiously, spiritually became Jewish even as they culturally became Hellenized. Perhaps the name confirmed their cultural if not religious conversion, correct? Is it known what the ...
DerdriuMarriner, 5 days ago
Laudato Si: reflections on the papal encyclical
Thank you! All the animal sentients whom I discern at Blessings of the Animals seemingly do not dislike the beautiful tradition. Do you know the Italian-language film The truffle hunters? There's a touching scene of a truffle-hunting villager ...
DerdriuMarriner, 5 days ago
Different Versions of Red Riding Hood
The paragraph immediately under the first subheading, about the Perrault version, advises us that "Of course, the end with the grandmother and the girl being eaten at the end sends a completely different moral." What is that moral?
DerdriuMarriner, 6 days ago
The Jesus' Wife Papyrus
We do not know when Joseph died, but Luke mentions that at the finding in the temple Jesus' parents were seeking him. Jesus left Egypt about two years old, and The finding took place when he was twelve. So Joseph must have still been around for ...
frankbeswick, 6 days ago
The North Wales Pilgrim Path
St Winefrid's Well had the occasional pilgrimage, as did Walsingham
frankbeswick, 6 days ago
The Traditional Languages and Dialects of the British Isles
The Isle of Man lies between Southern Scotland, where Gaelicv as not spoken, and Eastern ,Ireland, where Gaelic had fallen out of use. The language fell out of use. In The Isle of Man.
frankbeswick, 6 days ago
Who were the Magi?
No specific area, but the gospel spread around the mediterranean region.
frankbeswick, 6 days ago
Laudato Si: reflections on the papal encyclical
Yes, certainly
frankbeswick, 6 days ago
Rotating your crops
No, Ireland was very poor.
frankbeswick, 6 days ago
Meet the Herods
The Herods were Edomites, a tribe coerced by the.? Hasmoneans into accepting Judaism, but culturall they werev Hellenised into Greek culture
frankbeswick, 6 days ago
Different Versions of Red Riding Hood
The third, Perrault version intrigues me with your description that "the girl wears a red hood, not a cap, which is worn in versions by the Grimms." Is it known why Perrault replaced a cap with a hood?
DerdriuMarriner, 6 days ago

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