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The Symbolism of the Woods in Fairy Tales
The in-text image to the first subheading, Innocence, acquaints us with Snow White and Rose Red associating with forest animals. The three animal types boast a deer, a long-eared squirrel and rabbits. Can those animals be considered as ...
DerdriuMarriner, 4 days ago
Conceptions of God in World Religions
Which of God' images is most like him. The most loving I suppose
frankbeswick, 4 days ago
The Symbolism of the Woods in Fairy Tales
No, he never returned. As far as I know, there is no version with surviving kids or any additional info about the bad guys (don't forget the uncle).
Tolovaj, 6 days ago
Conceptions of God in World Religions
We have Christians praying to one person ofbthe Trinity, but theologically this is an error. The Trinity works as one united being. We should pray to the United three persons.
frankbeswick, 6 days ago
Growing in confined spaces
Yes. I saw some examples of confined growing today, but more of that in the next article
frankbeswick, 6 days ago
A Flower Show, a gold medal and a mini-tornado
Yes. Spring is associated with geese migrating north, and swallows and swifts coming the same route. Cuckoos are linked to spring, even though cuckoos are becoming scarce. I went to the Tatton show today. I have begun working on the article, ...
frankbeswick, 6 days ago
A Flower Show, a gold medal and a mini-tornado
Thank you for your comment below in answer to my previous observation and question. Area Unitedstatesians associate black cherry, Eastern tiger swallowtails, fireflies, forsythia, robins, serviceberry, spring-peeping frogs, tent caterpillars ...
DerdriuMarriner, 6 days ago
Growing in confined spaces
Thank you for your comment below in answer to my previous observation and question. So mullein flowers and leaves can be eaten even as mullein seeds cannot! Might mullein flowers and leaves mix with fruits and greens in fresh salads?
DerdriuMarriner, 6 days ago
Conceptions of God in World Religions
Thank you for your comment below in answer to my previous observation and question. It appeals to me to associate all miracles with God. Is that God in Godly entirety or is it sometimes God the Father or God the Son or God the Holy Spirit?
DerdriuMarriner, 6 days ago
The Symbolism of the Woods in Fairy Tales
Woods became special to me as a child talking and walking through the city sunken gardens. My first words in fact became "tree sycamore." So this entire wizzley and its four links at article end catch my attention. The latter exposes me to the ...
DerdriuMarriner, 6 days ago
Finding the Prince-Bishop's Chapel
I think that our idiotic spell checker has been playing its silly games. I did not say Rochester, which is in Kent, but Ribchester, which is in Lancashire. There were more instances of the recycling of stones in nearby buildings
frankbeswick, 7 days ago
Conceptions of God in World Religions
St John of Damascus, in his sermon on the Dormition of Mary, said that she worked healings, and he had access to the traditions of the Palestinian church. But on the water into wine, all miracles are God's, though they may have human ...
frankbeswick, 7 days ago
Elenydd: quiet beauty at the heart of Wales
The British Isles deer population feeds like the American deer population.
frankbeswick, 7 days ago
A Flower Show, a gold medal and a mini-tornado
I have not heard of the presence of either of these moths or their equivalents in the BRITISH Isles.
frankbeswick, 7 days ago
Growing in confined spaces
Mullen is not usually eaten, but the seeds are toxic. Leaves and flowers may be eaten.
frankbeswick, 7 days ago

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