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Socotra Frankincense Tree (Boswellia socotrana): Island of the Phoenix and Its Vulnerable Incense
Socotra wildlife amazes me with its drinkable, edible products. For example, isn't it interesting and intriguing to imagine a tea time with all things drinkable and edible from Socotra cucumber, dragon's blood, fig and pomegranate trees? It ...
DerdriuMarriner, 9 days ago
Socotra Pomegranate Tree (Punica protopunica): The Vulnerable Predicament of the "Other Pomegranate"
The drinkable, edible, healthy products from Socotra pomegranate trees amaze me. It enchants me how other Socotra trees engender such equally entrancing drinkable, edible products. The island so healthy in its air, soils and waters has ...
DerdriuMarriner, 10 days ago
Film Review of Little Miss Broadway: Shirley Temple Shines in 1938 Musical With George Murphy
This film calls for a prequel, a remake and a sequel in whatever orders configure most charmingly for whoever creates the current counterpart of a Shirley Temple character. Shirley Temple's character Betsy Brown inspires imagining how, when, ...
DerdriuMarriner, 10 days ago
On the Edge of the Western Ocean
Families drift apart over time. But my sister Veronica has an interest in genealogy and family relationships and has done quite a bit of work. But she is a very busy woman, running a business and caring for family duties.
frankbeswick, 10 days ago
On the Edge of the Western Ocean
Thank you for your comment below, in answer to my previous observation and question. It's a bit sad that you and your Ireland-inhabiting relatives know nothing about one another. Is the afore-indicated inhibition an impossible impasse because ...
DerdriuMarriner, 10 days ago
Ring-Tailed Rock Wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus) of Australian Lands "Down Under"
The computer crashed before I communicated the complete component of my recentest comment, in the box immediately below. Rock-haunting ring-tailed possum displays, with or without ring-tailed rock wallabies, deserve their own signs of "Caution! ...
DerdriuMarriner, 11 days ago
The Gardens of Venice and the Veneto by Jenny Condie and Alex Ramsay
It's possible for US Army personnel families to live off base in the Veneto region. US army base, Veneto and Venice gardens with indoor, outdoor non-woody, woody plants interest me. Mightn't one also mull what off-base US Army personnel in the ...
DerdriuMarriner, 11 days ago
Civil Society: an option besides state and private
We have a system whereby if you give a charity donati9n you can claim back any tax y9u have paid on the sum given and donate it to the charity.
frankbeswick, 12 days ago
On the Edge of the Western Ocean
The name Thornton came to Ireland when the parliamentary army invaded. A Thornton from that army got land, I believe. It is likely that his tenants took his surname. This has led to a situation in which there are Catholic and Protestant ...
frankbeswick, 12 days ago
Civil Society: an option besides state and private
Thank you for your two comments immediately below, on May 3, 2023, in answer to my previous observation and question. Unitedstatesian charitable organizations can cull quite a hallowed status lucratively and reputationally. Many if not almost ...
DerdriuMarriner, 12 days ago
On the Edge of the Western Ocean
Ragnar Jónasson authored a new book last year, Death at the Sanatorium. His hero, Helgi, conserves the bookstore-collection and personal library of his book-selling father and grandfather. Helgi's (and Ragnar Jónasson's) favorite mystery ...
DerdriuMarriner, 12 days ago
Rock-Haunting Ringtail Possum (Petropseudes dahli) of Groote Eylandt and Northern Australia
Rock-haunting ringtail possums appear around aboriginal art-archiving rocks. No aboriginal-art rocks domicile rock-haunting ringtail possum depictions. But perhaps we have yet to harvest them from hidden aboriginal art-honored hidden ...
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
Grapefruit Cultivation: The Realities of Back Yard Grapefruit Tree Growing
February is national grapefruit month! What is the most popular way to ingest my favorite fruit? Grapefruit ice cream from my family recipes always matters even as everybody munches marvelously on my family's cake, drink, fresh-fruit, muffin, ...
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
Ring-Tailed Rock Wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus) of Australian Lands "Down Under"
Ring-tailed land and water animal sentients amaze me. Isn't it interesting to imagine, in terms of Australian wildlife, such impressive sentients as ring-tailed rock wallabies and rock-haunting ring-tailed possums invoked through museum and ...
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago
Socotra Frankincense Tree (Boswellia socotrana): Island of the Phoenix and Its Vulnerable Incense
Socotran trees are so amazing that they called for ancient comments even as they command current commentaries. Isn't it interesting to investigate such ancient languages as hieroglyphics, Hittite and Sanskrit for such information about the ...
DerdriuMarriner, 13 days ago

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