Mental Stamina For Writers- Part 6- Becoming A Better, More Productive, Higher Earning Writer

by Jerrico_Usher

Taking Hard Topics You Have No Clue About and other tricks that will become weight lifting for your career muscles...

Becoming a better writer means pushing yourself, just like anything else in life you want to excel at. Life will throw you challenges in any field but those who can surpass the frustration, the new challenge, the hard parts are the ones who will become experts in their field.

One thing you can be sure of when you start getting yourself out there, acquiring leads, and reaching a pinnacle of success- you will be in fact putting yourself out there. That means more potential success and earnings but also more potential pitfalls, challenges, and more.


Try new Things, You May Find A Hidden Passion
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When writing articles, you should take the articles you like that make writing fun but you should also push yourself to take something in a category your not comfortable with too. Just try one a day even (if possible) taking on the same type of project over and over till it's no longer a challenge but a challenge licked.

When you do this you get an opportunity to see more information than you may have known about the subject and may actually find that you like it, but never gave it a chance. You may for example not be interested in stock trading but with enough experience in learning about the system and how it works you may find it fascinating.

This happened to me after taking as a challenge (because I knew nothing and had absolutely no interest in the topic) projects for "Forex Trading Software".

I was a bit fascinated by what I learned actually. The more you take on an undesirable topic the more you learn and can surpass the challenges of it not being interesting. That's how you conquer a hard topic and seal it in gold so next time you see it you take it because "it's easy"! 

You will also find that you may end up thinking in the direction of learning to actually try stock trading- something you never thought was interesting enough to pursue or even try- but that may be your Niche-Job, something your good at and make a lot of money doing!

Your "block" may be coming from a lack of experience, not enough information, or even from something completely not related. Some things are just dull or boring or way outside your interest categories .. but you can always recruit them and change them!

Not even trying may rob you of not only the opportunity to make a once mundane or "boring" topic become something you are interested in and find higher paying work in writing (because many other ghostwriters may pass on it thus driving the price up to get "someone" to write it!



Personally I can't stand sports, and I find that this comes from my childhood when my dad would watch football ALL the time and I missed a lot of shows I wanted to watch. I developed a disdain for the game and couldn't even stand to hear it in the background around thanksgiving time. I started taking articles in this area and discovered that although I'm still not interested in football, that writing about it was actually quite easy!

It wasn't a month into taking these projects before I "caught" myself both wanting to throw a ball around and even watching games. The more you know about something the easier it is to get interested in it. I've found myself even livening up my social life as many of my friends watch games.

I don't like watching football on television, but in person it's a great deal of fun and I know what's going on now! My point is that facing what I thought of as hard or mundane/boring projects has changed me and made more writing opportunities come open to me. A writer who can punch an article out on ANYTHING is a writer I'd never let go (so long as they were punctual etc... too).


The Well-Fed Writer: Financial Self-Sufficiency as a Commercial Fre...

Facing Fears, Mundane Topics, or Percieved Hard topics Turns Them Into More Exciting Topics

You should get into the habit of facing your fears, facing difficult tasks with an ambition to eliminate that from your list of weaknesses. These things I call weaknesses because they are things that tend to block you from making money since you don't want to do them. If you can get yourself to at least try you may be surprised that you can write in any area even those you don't like. A real writer can do this and will do this. You will make the most money too because you won't be limited to what topics you can work in.

Turn what sounded like "eh I don't like that" into "ah yea, more money more money more money- because nobody else is taking it it's value went up"
Turn what sounded like "eh I don't li...


Go To The First Article In This Series:

Part 1 of 6

Updated: 12/04/2012, Jerrico_Usher
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