Best Sous Vide Equipment – What to Buy Next?
by Trixi
A brief guide to the different sous-vide equipment you will need to get started with your sous-vide water oven.
What Sous-Vide Equipment is Available?
If you’re just beginning sous-vide cooking and have already chosen a good sous-vide oven then you might be wondering what else you need to buy. In this article I will briefly cover the three extras you’ll need to get started with your sous vide oven - and offer some choices for the budding sous-vide chef.
Sous Vide Vacuum Sealers
A vacuum sealer is essential for sous-vide cooking and it seems that this really is one of the pieces of equipment where you get what you pay for. You can spend from around $100 to over $800 on a good vacuum sealer but bear in mind that this is a piece of equipment that will likely see a lot of use once you get hooked on sous-vide - so you pay your money and take your choice.
I have listed two of the most popular sealers the customer reviews on Amazon and other sites really speak for themselves - the more you spend the better the quality. One of the most common issues raised by customers is the security of the seal - as sous-vide cooking relies on a good vacuum sealed package of food then an inefficient sealer really is going to cause problems.
Vacuum Bags
Choosing vacuum selaer bags is, thankfully, much easier! Once you've slected your vacuum sealer for sous vide you will often find that the same manufacturers recommende their own bags as suitable to their machine and, as the prices of these don't seem to vary by a huge amount, it would be just as well to follow their advice.
Sous-Vide Books
The sous-vide style of cooking is still relatively new to some people and can seem like a bit of a daunting prospect when you're just getting started. Luckily, the rising popularity of sous-vide at home has been followed with the release of several excellent books to get you started.
Beginning Sous Vide
This is the perfect 'get started' book - covering an explanation of the reasons for cooking sous-vide at home followed by easy tips and recipes that will make your life a lot easier. Perfect for those who are just starting to explore this cooking method.
Under Pressure: Cooking Sous Vide
Aimed at experienced sous-vide chefs this book features recipes and advice for thos who already know what they're doing! Not a great choice for the beginner wanting to leanr the basics of sous vide cooking but perfect for anyone who is interested in delving a little deeper and learning just how the top chefs 'do that'.
Sous Vide: Help for the Busy Cook
Featuring recipes and tips to make sous vide easier - this book will suit both begnning and intermediate sous vide chefs as they seek to streamline their sous vide cooking.
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I understand that food cooked with the sous-vide method is much more succulent