Sneezing puts out a lot of saliva!!! (you just don't normally see it but you sure feel it when someone across the room sneezes!)
JFK Health World Museum in Barrington Illinois claims that a sneeze can go as fast as 85% of the speed of sound or approximately 630 miles per hour. Conservative estimates are at 130 MPH!
Is sneezing Dangerous? That depends on a lot of different variables but overall, these days, typically the answer is no.
Sneezing is as natural as our body's own white cells protecting us from things that somehow get past our defences (skin, holes in our body like the nose, mouth, even the one part of yoru brain you can see- the eyes!
If you want to know what a sneeze is for, why it happens, and what started the "Bless You" and "Gesundheit" revolution, keep reading. This get's interresting!
(I did a whole lot of research when I myself asked this question!)
Thanks Bizilady! What's funny is that when this was a "hub" it was only about 8 paragraphs and 500 words.... now it's over 2k Wizzley just makes all my work look and read better, I find myself updating the hell out of everything and while trying to tighten it up I end up expanding it drastically (as I've learned more about everything over the years and never touched my articles again until now :) thanks for reading!
I was always told that saying god Bless You is to somehow prevent your heart from stopping..LOL
Good Wizz on sneezing Jerrico
I've heard it said that if you try to suppress a sneeze it can be dangerous. True or old wives' tale? But since you say a sneeze is very powerful, maybe it is true.
What an interesting article, ah those questions coming to mind answered. Nicely written and delightful to read. Much enjoyed learning all about a common bond we all share the sneeze. :)