This book will inspire the believer, and draw the unbelieving towards Jesus. John isn't someone who hasn't been there, as he was at one time the third highest ranking Satan worshiper in New York City. Yet, God's reach isn't too short to reach even sinners like John.
Initiated into witchcraft like Santeria when he was a young boy, John was slated to be a powerful warlock of darkness. The supernatural was always a part of his life, the dark side of the supernatural. His aunt led him into the witchcraft and he followed this darkness until his late 20's, when he came to a cross-roads.

Book Review: Out of The Devil's Cauldron
by Lowdown0
Author John Ramirez shares a compelling testimony of his conversion to Christianity. His story is amazing, miraculous and shows the power of Jesus to save the lost.
John's Compelling Story
If you are struggling to believe in the supernatural, or you have adopted the new age mentality and rejected the Biblical explanation of the supernatural, then this book will challenge you. A skeptic of the Biblical explanation of the supernatural will have to conclude that John's testimony is fabricated and delusional. This would be contrary to the evidence and the fruits of his life, but some of course will do this.
John's compelling story doesn't need fabrication to make it a best seller. John isn't trying to make money selling books. He is trying to win souls to Jesus and do the will of Father God in heaven. See, John's father was a Devil worshiper as well, and was mean and abusive to his mother, him and siblings. He adopted Satan as his father until he met Jesus and realized who really loved him was Jesus and not Satan.
John explains his childhood and the life he used to live on the streets of New York City. The evil that he was about is hard imagine seeing him now as the loving Godly person that he is. His real father died even at his wishes when he was a teenager, and this is a haunting experience for John to remember. John's story is one of redemption and mercy from a God that loves all of his creation and is not willing that any should perish, but have everlasting life. Yet, it is our choice we have to accept this gift of eternal life, and John did after a vision in the night.
![]() | Out of the Devil's Cauldron Have you ever wondered if Satan is real? In his book Out of the Devil's Caldron: A Journey from Darkness to Light, John Ramirez tells the story of how he was trained to be the t... |
![]() New York City |
The Vision and the Fruits
John had met a Christian woman who he started to date for the fun of it, he even started going to church with her just to see what these silly Christians were doing. He thought Satan was all-powerful, so he wasn't afraid of any church or believer, as most of the believers he'd met were the watered down type with no power in the Holy Ghost.
After going to church for awhile, he started to think about Jesus and he came to a cross-roads in his faith towards Satan. His double life began to torment him, and one night he cried out to God to reveal himself if he was the most powerful God. At this point John was suicidal and tormented with doubts. His cauldron in the closet wasn't comforting to him anymore, when he sacrificed animals.
During the night, John received a dream or a vision, he was on a subway with a bunch of people and it was heading to hell. The train stopped and then he got out and started walking down the caverns of hell, when Satan himself jumped out and started to chastise him about doubting him. Satan was angry and threatening to take his soul forever cause he was his, but at that moment John suddenly had a cross in his hands! He put the cross up towards Satan and Satan fled. He woke up after this dream and realized he was following the wrong god, and that Jesus was the most powerful God, the one and only God.
Since this time John has been following the Lord and saving the lost. He has been on CBN, TBN, and at many speaking engagements. I found John when he was a guest on the Omegaman radio show on Blogtalkradio. He has now been in the Kingdom of God for over a decade, fighting the forces he used to be a part of. His passion for Jesus is greater than his passion had been for the Devil, and the body of Christ is blessed to have him on our side now. He still resides in New York and goes to the Times Square Church.
This book has already helped thousands of people, it is well written and will bless whoever reads it. If you are trying to understand the supernatural, want to get out of witchcraft, or just want to be edified as a Christian, you should get this book. God bless.
Check out what John's ministry is about:
Do You Think Satan is Real?
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