Brain ToniQ is a viable replacement for the toxic caffeinated and crap packed energy drinks/shots. The cost is exactly the same (2.25 or so a can, less in bulk). If you're health conscious or just want a better "buzz" that makes coffee feel like amateur hour- this is your drink. Everything, and I mean everything in it is 100% good for you! There isn't anything bad, including preservatives or artificial flavors and yet it tastes phenomenal and is even carbonated slightly (and that is for a good reason; it helps deliver the ingredients to the brain faster they say).

Brain ToniQ - World's First And Only Botanical-Based, Non-Caffeinated Functional “Think Drink”
Is your brain tired, can't think, got writers block, or just need to empower your brains best work and energize your body NATURALLY not with a toxic energy drink... Read on...
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Brain ToniQ
The Healthy Energy Drink With Smart Drugs Infused
Powerful. 100% Healthy, Natural Ingredients, NO CAFFEINE, No Crash
Prepare to learn about something you will soon say...

"Where have you been all my caffeinated life, and why haven't I found you sooner!"
If you want a "caffeine" alternative that's even good for you, and gives you the same powerful energy without the poison- Brain ToniQ is your drink!
Brain ToniQ vs. The Mighty Energy Drinks/Shots
In The Zone Clean Energy vs. Cloudy, Jittery, And Unpredictable Energy
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The difference between an energy drink and this stuff is that almost everything "active" in the energy drink is either quickly urinated out (B vitamins don't stay in your system you pretty much use them or lose them) or used up quickly and a crash ensues next.
With BT (brain tonic) the ingredients are natural and your body doesn't just "use" them up, it incorporates them, uses them to create feel good brain neurotransmitters and even acetylcholine (which is what the brain uses for the phone company switch board in your head- more of these mean you think faster and clearer). (kind of the difference between eating a healthy piece of fruit and a preservative packed plastic cookie!)
The caffeine in standard energy drinks is toxic and gives your body too much power it shouldn't have (thus you use it up if you're not careful). Energy drinks ingredients are in two parts.
- Part 1 is the B Vitamins, the Guarana, and caffeine - the energy components.
- Part two is taurine, l-carnitine, milk thistle, and Inositol- the Taurine and inositol ingredients only purpose is to balance the others out and replenish spent endogenous chemicals caffeine tends to "over-spend-on" (in both parts).
Common Ingredients Found In Standard Energy Drinks
The inositol, for example, is designed to replace what caffeine takes away and to bring down the jolt from the caffeine.
Sweet design, sure, (pun intended), but from a health and benefits (overall) perspective energy drinks just make things worse, it kills you slowly- the "Think Drink" doesn't do any of that. It's pure botanical delight. It won't pollute your body or force it to energize, that happens very naturally and feels amazing, even tingly.
Energy drink- no tingly feeling.
The bottom line is that Brain ToniQ works WITH your body, offers Pre-cursors to your brains neurotransmitters (feel good stuff) and boosts cognition. Everything in the drink is synergizing with your body's natural functions- even supplementing nutrients it needs!
Caffeine and energy drinks rob the body, kick it in the unmentionables, then kicks you to the curb... how nice huh? Now let's review this amazing product and explain just WHY it works, WHAT ingredients are in it, WHAT They do, And Everything you could possibly want to know about it! Prepare to be boarded and blown away... As I was when I tried it!
The Taste Test Review
I was pretty excited to discover the taste of this beverage. The can invites the taste buds and visualization to cross paths. I have a distinctive impression of "fresh" and "energy drink like" perceptions (because let's face it different ingredients but still "herbs" and "vitamins" with that herbal/vitamin taste I was thinking).
What it turned out to be was amazing. The taste is citrusy right off the bat. You smell this first then when it hits your taste buds your thinking "orange mimosa (with sprite instead of champagne) meets grapefruit". It's very unique and delightful (and I don't like grapefruit, but they pulled it off!). It didn't have that energy drink wet vitamin "dirty" taste you have to jump up and down or shake your head like a wet dog to get out of your system.
It has a distracting taste that interrupts the drudgery and stress of your day. I can only describe it as smile provoking well being feelings as the smells and taste permeate your experience. The taste is complex but not sour or dry- it's like what fresh air tastes like or morning dew meets citrus!
They add light carbonation as a delivery vehicle. They say according to their research carbonation helps the "power ingredients" reach their destination more quickly and creates a faster zing effect. The carbonation also works incredibly well with the flavor- no overzealous carbonation that burns your throat- even if you drink it fast! You can even shake this with very little time passing before you open it. They recommend you shake it vigorously as some ingredients settle (never seen this happen even if I didn't shake it though). I've shaken it and waited 60 seconds to open it with no problems.
The aftertaste was pleasant as well. A light and sweet flavor hangs out for a few minutes after to a pretty potent degree but not overwhelming, just whelming. It makes you really crave more when the taste slowly dissipates. It's sweet but NOT Sugary. A more refreshing sweet experience. This is all thanks to the impressively sweet attributes of the Agave Nectar! You can buy this stuff on Amazon to put on your pancakes or anything else you usually use sugar for- it's a refreshing change from the dirty effects of sugar.
The Experience or Effects
(The Power/Cognitian Effects)
My Review
I sipped my first can out in the beautiful morning air of Oregon. Sitting at the back patio table a full breakfast of eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns awaited me. The ToniQ replaced my normal coffee or energy drink, and even my favorite Iced tea drink.
I tried some before eating and after to see if the effects diminished or were enhanced by the foods effects on digestion (different days). Turned out either way I got the same effect, although I wasn't hungry after eating, and depending on my body's chemistry that day food helped to center me better. Even having energy and cognition if you're starving the effects are diminished! I did notice that the more water I drank WITH and AFTER drinking this drink the more potent the effects were.
Did I feel smarter?
Well I did start talking to my finance, a conversation that got intensely deep and fascinating for about 2 hours after consuming a can. We started talking and I was sipping some more and more. As I got more into the conversation I started to notice the difference in my mood (enhanced), my thinking (clearer, no fog), and articulation (like going from a dual processor computer to a quad processor computer), and overall I started to feel amazing (like the feeling when the warm sun beams on your skin on a slightly chilly morning day- how it blankets you with warmth).
I didn't so much feel stimulated as I did calm and quietly bursting with mental (not so much physical) energy. It wasn't that coffee or caffeine "high" you expect from energy drinks. It was a more balanced energy and my thinking came very easily. I found multitasking on a computer to be much easier, but I didn't feel that jitter madness coffee makes me endure.
Overall this stuff worked well and fast. It literally put me "In The Zone"! Before I finished the can I was feeling something wonderful. It was like my brain turned on... I could hear it whirring as I started to conjure up inventive ideas.
I felt a bit high and my skin tingled (likely from the DMAE). I felt a little guilty sitting on my patio because I felt like I didn't deserve to feel this great, I felt like I was doing something wrong for a second! The food seemed to help me center better and the effects got more subtle. I felt like working on something (physical or mental)!
I didn't have any desire to drink more, I felt if I did I'd lose control and start running around my block quoting brilliant speeches of Steve Jobs and other geniuses! What I noticed right away was that "fog" I usually have in the morning before waking up fully was gone within 10 minutes of consuming a can (different day).
After a few days of noting my feelings and experiences, I decided to throw in one missing ingredient from this drink (also healthy and POWERFUL), called Noopept. It's a derivative of Piracetam but 1000x stronger- this is the world's most powerful and safe smart drug/nootropic. The effects experienced were it potentiated the ingredients and thinking became incredible. I work for a writing mill and usually don't write that much. This day I wrote 36 500 word articles in a row earning roughly 200.00 in 4 hours... I would say this was the reason I was so motivated and writing came so easy to me. Usually I struggle with creativity when I don't like the topic but I didn't care!
Let's dive deeper into the ingredients inherent in this healthy energy tonic (by the way tonic is spelled Ton (of) IQ, love the cleverness of that!).
Let's Take A Closer Look At Brain ToniQ's Ingredients
Brain Toniq is a the health conscious persons energy and cognition enhancer drink. One of it's key selling points is that it's 100% made with Botanical ingredients- 0% caffeine and 0% chemical preservatives, flavors, or anything at all the body doesn't absolutely thrive on.
The Flavor's Main Source:
you can purchase agave as a sugar/syrup alternative!
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Madhava Organic Agave Nectar - Amaretto Flavor, 11.75-Oun... |
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Xagave Premium Blend Organic Agave Nectar, 23.5-Ounce/500... |
Agave Nectar
This drink also contains no high-fructose corn syrup- one of the main sweeteners in just about everything else out there.
This one ingredient alone is a powerful toxin in the body- thank goodness it's not in BT!
They use Agave Nectar to "sweeten" this drink NATURALLY. Agave, ironically, is also the plant they make Tequila from or with!
It's one of those plants that are powerful but can be converted or used in making something toxic- but not here in Brain Toniq- it's the most amazing sweetener that your body actually will use for cognition enhancement!
Agave is also the lowest of any "sugar" or sweetener in the glycemic index! It's even certified by the Glycemic Research Institute as being diabetic friendly!
This just keeps getting better right?
Proprietary Blend:
The Power/Cognition Smart Drugs Infused Into Brain ToniQ
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Choline is an essential nutrient that the body absolutely loves. It does so many things for your health but it also has powerful features for enhancing your brains "cell phone towers" so to speak (your brain cell communication via Acetylcholine neurotransmitters which are caused in part by a combination of DMAE (precursor for choline) and Choline (precursor to acetylcholine production).
Choline can be found in a pretty big majority of the foods you likely eat. Foods like eggs, beef and oats all contain choline. B-Complex vitamins usually have Choline in them but you can also purchase them by themselves to boost your acetylcholine levels. brain toniq has the most expensive choline supplement type in it and in a powerful dose.
Choline helps the other ingredients much the same way if your working out in a gym, working out your arms first gives you more leverage to work your other muscle groups harder (free weights).
By helping your brain think faster and more efficiently you boost cognition and the way the other ingredients network in your body to generate energy, cognition, and even tingling feelings of well being.
Brain ToniQ taken with Noopept is like getting an extra man. Noopept is a cognition enhancer and works by helping the two sides of your brain communicate more effectively, boosting neuron firing efficiency, and repairing damaged or dying brain cells (brain cells die all the time, but regenerate too). It works by utilizing and in conjunction with choline supplements (or that which is in BT) creating more acetylcholine neurotransmitters to "boost" your thinking speed and clarity / transmission.
Noopept can work so well (meaning your thinking feels incredible and frictionless) that it burns out your acetylcholine neurotransmitter supply (a lot like driving your car at top speed for 15 minutes would burn off your cars oil). Neurotransmitters get used up after so many "uses" for lack of a better term. They can be replenished with supplements or eating enough of the foods that contain choline as possible.
The problem is eating a lot of these foods is not often possible for many so thinking too much and not replenishing choline in your blood stream could cause headaches.
With Noopept I would highly recommended taking a gram of choline supplements with each 10-30mg of Noopept to flood your system with amazing choline (member of the B vitamin group but your body doesn't quickly get rid of it like most B's when not utilized right away by the body's systems).
You can't have too much choline! Your body only uses what it needs, the rest stays in your blood stream for up to 3 days and can be used any time it's needed by the body and brain. Choline crosses the blood brain barrier easily but is moderated by the brain restricting more than the brain needs or can use at any given time.
In Brain ToniQ Choline (short name for the name brand/quality used: Alpha GPC- top shelf choline supplement, supposed to be the most potent one out there. My experience is that even the super cheap stuff works equally well, but if they want to put the best stuff in there I'm not going to complain!
Scientific Study Data For Ingredients In Brain ToniQ
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So there you have it, Brain ToniQ- the think drink that tastes good, works pretty well, and can make studying and writing a bit easier and no energy drink overwhelm or crash- nothing unnatural happens when you drink Brain ToniQ, but energy drinks- that's a whole other story- see my article below on Nerd Energy drink for that explanation.
Like The Idea Of Brain ToniQ But Just Don't Want To Escape The Caffeine Fix?
I found another smart drug energy drink (not so healthy but more powerful than standard energy drinks!) Called NERD Focus, Read My review Below
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especially when combined with noopept :)
Sounds like it could really do a body some good and possibly enhance my ability to crank out Wizzes.
This is good news with the current reports of the standard energy drinks presenting harmful side effects. The brain toniq think drink sounds like something I'll have to try. Great product review. :)K
Thanks I feel smarter ;) be well...