Chore Wars! The game that's taking the Wizzley site by storm... Well, kind of, but more like a mild rainfall. But, I did hear Jo say that the forum was buzzing yesterday, so it seems that people might be becoming more active partly as a result of this game. It is basically a game where you claim rewards for pretty much doing what you would normally do on Wizzley, which is writing articles, participating in the forums, and comment/like/sharing other people's articles. So, if you are already active on the site, then this game should be a breeze for you. And, if you're not too active at the moment it might just inspire your to become more active.

Chore Wars
by Jyreeil
The game that got me to join Wizzley, and should get other Wizzley writers to be more active.
What is the game about?
Well first of all I'll link you to the Chore Wars website if you haven't already gotten to it - Chore Wars.
This game is all about getting people to become more active on Wizzley. And, it must have worked, because it got a few people to join Wizzley just so that they could play this game. So, basically whenever you do something on Wizzley whether it be writing an article, participating in the forum, or like/comment/sharing other peoples articles, you can just go to the adventures page on Chore Wars, and find whatever you did, and then click claim. This will give you some experience points, gold and treasure, and maybe a monster encounter.
So far, all my adventures have been uneventful, meaning no monster encounters. Uneventful does not mean you didn't get treasure, the treasure is actually the award type things that you get below the uneventful message. I'm not sure what the monster encounters actually do, if they do anything. They may just be there to make the game more interesting. Also, using your items doesn't do anything really besides making them dissappear, so it's really best to just keep them and not use them.
Oh, and one last thing, if and when you do decide to play Chore Wars please be honest with your claims. This game goes by the honor system, so there's nothing preventing you from just clicking as many claims as you want. Please only claim things if you've actually done them. You can also claim things you've done in the past a little while back as well.
About all the tabs at the top.
Ok, so you've started playing the game, what do you do next? Here I'll just summarize what you can do in each of the pages you get to from the tabs at the top.
"This week" is where you can see what adventures people have claimed recently.
The character sheet has all your character's stats, treasure, gold, and recently claimed adventures.
"Party" shows the stats, treasure, and gold of all your party members.
"Adventures" is where you claim the tasks that you have recently done on Wizzley. And I will include a picture below explaining the parts and descriptions of the adventures a little bit.
"Settings" is where you can change your nickname, your password, email, or avatar. Also, you can change your privacy settings there as well.
"Help" has a bunch of things about the site. If you feel like reading a bit, some of your questions may be answered here. I'm guessing that this chore wars that you see here is just a wizzley section of a bigger site, so some of the explanations can be a little confusing. Just switch anything to do with chores around the house with Wizzley work, and disregard the stuff about youngsters, because I'm sure there probably aren't any people that young writing articles on wizzley.
"News" just shows the recent updates to the site.
"Feedback" is where you can send your ideas, questions, problems, or praise to the creators of chore wars
I almost forgot to mention that if you know exactly what adventure you just did, and know the requirements, then you can choose it from a drop down list on any page of the site once you log in. This menu is at the top right of the screen.
What everything means in the adventure sheet.
![]() A picture of the description of an adventure. |
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This is a new concept to me. I may look int it one day.
@JoHarrington It looks as if now not as many people kept on playing, but I just did a bit of activity on it today.
@jptanabe Yeah, I guess I got the hang of it pretty quickly, which is why Jo told me to write an article about it.
@Ember Heh, I'm sure you would do fine on it. You just claim rewards based on what you do on wizzley.:)
I'm thinking about making an account, so a guide is useful. I'm bad at games though >.>
Great to have a guide for the Wizzley chore wars - I was a bit confused by the site (it talks about actual chores around the house, and I didn't understand how to "use" the items I accumulated. Anyway, back to claim another treasure for leaving a comment!
Nice guide! Overnight, another two people have joined in, which brings our grand total to thirteen people playing Wizzley Writers Do Chore Wars!
Here is the invitation URL for our game btw: