Digital Product eCovers
by Michey
This is a small service to create affordable eCovers for Digital Products like eBooks, Software, Videos, eCourses, and more
My Story
When I started to do Internet Marketing with my products and Affiliate Marketing I did like everybody else. I just used Graphic Design companies to create the eCovers, Headers, Footers for me.
It was OK for a while but in time become a pain:
- I got too long response time
- I was working with a UK company and the difference in time created complications
- Some luck of flexibility of graphic designers when I requested changes
- I lost some deadlines
Some point in time, when affiliate marketing started to grow up, I decided that I wanted to depend on me alone vs. others.
So I bought a small software package end I started to create my own graphics for my squeeze pages for affiliate marketing and more for my products and PLRs. There are a lot of software packages which do the same, the very expensive are the best, but for me this one is just what I need.
I was happy with that level and didn't even think to transform this in a service and avis in an Income Stream attached to my business.... until one day...
Note: All the images in this post are created by me with the software I am telling you about it.
The Temptations...
Some day a customer asks if I can recommend an eCover Graphic designer at a reasonable price.
I knew him as he bought 2-3 affiliate products from me, and he always put good questions. He was a student who had small resources but big dreams...
I told him the truth that I created myself all my eCovers… "if you want I can do it for you".
How much? was his next question… LOL, I laughed and I said “it will cost you 2 Starbuck coffees”… He was in Malaysia so I knew... we cannot drink coffee together... but too my surprise, he deposited in my PayPal account the price of 2 Starbuck coffees and said “please, do it for me..”… I did… and we have been friends since that day. I didn't get rich with eCovers but I got a friend and the idea to create a service to do eCovers for others.
This was the start of a little service I created using my eCover software.
If somebody needs an eCover for a digital product:
- I offer a variety of options
- I try to keep myself flexible with customer’s suggestions and needs as I don't forget my own pain... and
- I still keep myself in the range of the 2 Starbuck coffees... which reminds me to be humble, but think as a marketer, and enjoy to add friends.
Note: this is a eCover I created for my squeeze page as I am Lee's affiliate, so I use elements of his graphics to do it.
The Options on my eCover Service
From the variety of 28 designs, I don’t like 6 of them so I offer 22 choices in the following packages:
- Three eCovers with the design of my choice - usually you advertize in many places so is good to have more then just one eCover
- Three eCovers using elements of the header/footer of your choice - this is for affiliates who already have a sale page with graphics…
- Three eCovers and a header/footer for your Squeeze Page/Sale Page/Thank you Page – this is if you sell your own products
- Six eCovers
- I can add more packages on request
As you can see each eCover has a number attached to it. All you have to do is send me an email with:
- Which package you want
- Which are the 3 or 6 number you want to have it
- The title of your DP
It is simple, I'll post all numbers.
Number 1 and 2
![]() #1 eCover |
![]() # 2 eCover |
Number 3, 4, 5 and 6
![]() # 3 eCover | ![]() # 4 eCover |
![]() # 5 eCover | ![]() # 6 eCover |
Number 7, 8, 9 and 10
![]() # 7 eCover | ![]() # 8 eCover |
![]() # 9 eCover | ![]() #10 eCcover |
Number 11, 12, 13, and 14
![]() # 11 eCover | ![]() # 12 eCover |
![]() # 13 eCover | ![]() #14 eCover |
Number 15, 16, 17, and 18
![]() #15 eCover | ![]() # 16 eCover |
![]() # 17 eCover | ![]() # 18 eCover |
Number 19, 20, 21, and 22
![]() # 19 eCover | ![]() # 20 eCover |
![]() # 21 eCover | ![]() # 22 eCover |
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Isn't This a Simple Service?
Yes, I realize that your comment has a personal touch, but this is OK, my point on responding was that with Internet saturated for a lot of niches, we have to be careful what we choose and definitely we have to expend our knowledge base adding new streams of incomes, nowadays only a diversified portfolio of 4-5 sources of income will make us to succeed. I was in the same situation 1-2 years ago, when I realized that my good earning niche is already saturated - I still keep it but since then I keep going adding new niches to my portfolio.
Also I learn from personal and others experiences, that a mix of big niches, and small niches in a portfolio is not a bad approach... and I let the market to decide if my choises are good or bad.
What I am trying to say is that if a product/service I choose in 8 -10 month is not productive in term of earnings, I just give up on it and try something else... I am not married with my projects, I am very flexible, and try to learn from failures as well... in Internet Marketing we use to say "the sooner you fail the sooner you succeed..."
By the way, Did you read ZMOT, if not, look on my post, read my lens in which I create a more elaborated summary and then read the original... doing this you will realize that the realities of 2011 are so different for just 1-3 years ago, and it is important to go with the trends.
To your success, Michey
I respect your point of view Michey, and I agree with most of what you say too. But what most people dont realize is how much 1 small thing can effect.
I do apologize for calling you out on this, part of the reason is my own personal issues with college and jobs nowadays. I hope you can forgive a young designer like myself. Just sucks when you have the skills, degree, and attitude to work but no experience and cant even get an entry level position. When experienced people blame themselves and then branch out who am I to blame? The experienced people who branched out who wont even lend a minimum wage internship or myself? I dont feel it right to blame myself for what I haven't done.
PS: Your point number 2 doesn't apply. While its true that Wizzley and Squidoo offer a platform that takes the design out of webpages, the developers of these sites are the coders/graphic designers etc. These companies have 9-5's with 20+ people at each (maybe not Wizzley). The way I presented my argument was individuals who aren't designers taking work out of the market, which writers on these sites dont do. In fact, Wizzley, Squdoo, and Hubpages create more jobs due to helping Google please marketers who dump the money into adsense for us all.
thranax, I agree with you in general, but I want to make some good points of what Internet means to us all:
1) Internet is big enough to accommodate all of us and more...
2) The tendency to make Internet accessible for masses is going on for the last 4-5 years and it will grow, the fact that you use Squidoo, Wizzley, even Wordpress is the proof. Those companies create a platform in which more then 1/2 of you hard work as a designer is done on your behalf and you don't need to be a heavy designer to use them, millions are using them, including you
3) So if we accept and use big packages which make our life easier, we should have the grace to accept small ones as well which perform a simple operation which some people don't have the skills to do it, I don't see anything wrong. Some people need just an eCover, they are not going to spent over $200.00 to buy Photoshop, and learn to use it, or pay a lot to a great designer just for an stand alone job of creating an eCover
4) About straggling? all of us are straggling in a way or another nowadays, there is a great competition in Internet marketing, but the competition is the engine to get the best out of us
5) Personally, if I have a failure I will never blame the competition, I will blame myself as I don't raise the bar of my knowledge high enough and this will motivate me to work harder
6) If I consider that the competition is too big I will extend my knowledge with other Stream of Incomes, and learn NEW technologies, packages, try to be more creative.
The world makes me sad. Everyone gets screwed with these custom programs to make things like this. It takes the honor out of being a graphic designer and undersells our hard work. Let me explain...
Software Creator = Makes most upfront pay.
Software Buyer = I dont know what you paid for this ebook creator, but there are hundreds if not thousands of FREE ADD ONS to Photoshop that make thousands of these. Anything over $10 for this and you got taken for a ride.
Graphic Designer = Dont get anything. Designers rely on others to create for, not themselves. Apparently my degree doesn't matter anymore?
I see why people with no graphic knowledge would use these programs. Its promoting and using to make money yourself that makes me sad. Designers go to writers for articles, slogans, and sales copy...Writers and Marketers go to cheap computer scripts or cheaper users of scripts to save "some bucks". Sounds great to me.
Thank you, it is not going to break the bank, but I learn in my Internet marketing practice that:
1) as many streams of income you have the better
2) the small jobs are equally important, and we must pay attention to both, small and big ones.
Glad you explained that to Ralpapajan because I am unfamiliar with eCovers as well. I hope this turns into a nice little business for you Michey.
Unfortunately this is true, so little time...
TYVM ~ so much to learn so little time to do it.
When you advertize a Digital product (eBook, Report, eCourse, Webinar, VIdeo course, audio course and so one) you need to create some elements for the launch of the product:
1) squeeze page
2) sale page
3) thank you page
4) OTO (one time offer)
for all those elements you new some graphics of your product.
For driving Traffic to the squeeze page of your product usually you create a Blog and/or an on-line store, in which you keep the conversation alive with your potential-customers, provide details, announce changes, new versions, related products and so on... so you also need graphics. This is why I start with min 3 different eCovers in my packages... usually you need more...
The process of selling on-line a Digital Product is different then selling physical goods, and requested visual elements in this process.
It looks good. Please tell me what an ecover is used for. The Products I use from Ecoover are soaps and shampoos etc. This really had me foxed. Sorry to be so dim.