Does Anyone Spring Clean Anymore?

by terrilorah

Spring Cleaning is the act of doing a thorough job of cleaning your house from top to bottom in the Spring time. Yet, I never hear anyone talk much about it today.

When the dreary days of winter come to a close and the sun starts shining most people will talk about Spring cleaning. Or do they? I've talked to several different generations of people and some had no clue what it was, even though the name speaks for itself, or maybe they just brushed it off. Let's say you may have heard the term before and if so, here's a few tips to help you get through the ordeal.

Tips To Start Spring Cleaning

Tip #1

Open Those Windows!

Running the furnace all winter leads to poor air circulation, colds and bacteria and what not is running through your home. Get those windows open and air out! The first sunny, airy day is ideal for this and if it's breezy out, that's even better. Old smells from cooking and odors need to be sent out into the open air. You'll find that you lived with all these odors and smells for so long that you become so accustomed to the odors, once you air out your home it will feel so fresh you won't be able to stop yourself from getting the whole house spring cleaned! Well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but your end result will make you feel so much better. It's just getting there that I'm going to try to help you with.

Help Get Rid of Those Smells

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Clean The Windows

Tip #2

if you want a window to a brighter world, get those windows cleaned next. You've gotten some of the old stink and odors out by putting fresh air in and now you want to be able to see out into that fresh sunny world.Readers from around the world swear by the following tips. The ones who swear by newspapers, say even if they use other products they always go back to the newspaper, which seems to give less streaking.

Here are some tips for clean, streak free windows:

  • Mix vinegar and water in a spray bottle, then use a squeege for a streak free shine
  • 1/3 amonia and 2/3 water in a bottle, spray and clean with towels or a squeege. (Most people claim that a squeege works 100% better than towels)
  • Windex and newspapers
  • A teaspoon of cornstarch in about 8 ozs of water in a spray bottle shake well.

Some Things to Help Your Spring Cleaning

Squeeges are the Favorite for Window Washing
OXO Good Grips Stainless Steel Squeegee

Use the OXO GOOD GRIPS Stainless Steel Squeegee to clean tiled surfaces, fogged mirrors, soapy shower doors, and of course, windows. The flexible blade on our Squeegee can be ...

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Telescoping Window Cleaner & Squeegee - Reach 9-Feet without Ladder

Aluminum tube handle won't rust, durable ABS head - total tool weight is just 12 oz! Twist to lock/unlock for extending and retracting. Great for home and popular with ...

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What do You think works best?

Newspapers, Vinegar or Paper Towels?
Mr. Bean Seems To Like To Spring Clean

Bring The Flowers Inside

Tip #3

 A fresh bouquet of lilacs, hyacinth, or even some fresh cut tulips put in a jar of water on your table just warrants spring freshness.Perhaps your finances won't allow you to get a flower shop bunch, but if you check at your local grocery store, nine chances out of ten they have some sales on cheaper cut flowers. I've found them for $1.99 at my local Weis Markets already. Lilac bushes are a favorite spring time flower and they make the whole house smell just delicious!

If fresh flowers aren't available for you, perhaps some scents to spray throughout your home like febreeze could help. Or, even lighting a delicious smelling candle with spring fresh scents. We keep our scent pot going a lot, especially in the spring evenings. I love the smell of fresh lavender so I burn melts in my electric burner. French vanilla is another favorite.

Fresh Scents For Spring Cleaning

Febreze Air Effects New Zealand Springs, 2-Can Pack

Febreze Air Effects is like a breath of fresh air any time because it actually sweeps away stale and stifling odors and leaves a fresh scent.

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Febreze Fabric Refresher, Antimicrobial, 27-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 6)

Febreze Fabric Refresher: One product that eliminates odors and freshens fabrics, carpets, and the air.

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13oz TROPICAL PARADISE Scented Jar Candle (Our Own Candle Company Brand) Made in USA - 100 hr ...

The best scent; the best color; the best burn. Made in the USA.

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13oz FRESH LINEN Scented Jar Candle (Our Own Candle Company Brand) Made in USA - 100 hr burn ...

The best scent; the best color; the best burn. Made in the USA.

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Put Away Winter!

Tip #4

While your in the spring cleaning mode, you probably are cleaning sheets and pillows, curtains and other stuff that's been hanging around all winter collecting dust and grime. It's time to put all the winter stuff away and get out the fresh, springy stuff. You'll feel much better if you store away the heavy flannel sheets, thick comforters and even go through your closets full of winter clothes. 

De-clutter those closets too. It's time to put away all your heavy hitters like that thick winter robe hanging on your door that you hardly ever wore. Wash it and put it away, you won't need it until the fall. Boots, jackets, heavy socks can all get packed away until winter time. 

All in all you can get most of your spring cleaning done if you go in steps. Whether you grab the kids and spouse and do it all at once or do a little bit every day, you'll soon have a clean fresh house that smells wonderful. It's not that difficult to do spring cleaning, it just takes a bit of time, elbow grease and then you can be sitting on the patio or in the backyard enjoying those summer nights without worry.

After All Your Work Remember to Relax

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Updated: 03/31/2012, terrilorah
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terrilorah on 03/30/2012

Sheilamarie, I would love to twitch my nose and get it all done. I wind up in front of the computer and then the spring cleaning gets put on hold......thanks for stopping by, hope you start getting some warm weather soon.

sheilamarie on 03/30/2012

Great tips on spring cleaning, terrilorah! I've been washing windows lately. Being up north, we're not ready yet to put away the warm clothing. Soon, though.

terrilorah on 03/24/2012

NIghtowl, I've even downsized, I used to live in a story house and now have a mobile home on two acres. I thought it would be easier, guess I was wrong!

nightowl on 03/24/2012

I pretty much learned spring cleaning from my grandmother as well. With us, it involved moving furniture to hunt down every last dust bunny, shampooing carpets, and other crazy stuff. I used to find it easier to just move... ;)

terrilorah on 03/23/2012

Brenda, I was talking about spring cleaning at work and there were people who looked at me like I was crazy...
Dustytoes I am with you on washing windows and airing out the house. I unfortunately looked up and now I am getting ready to re-pain some ceilings, uggg

dustytoes on 03/23/2012

I guess my Spring cleaning consists of washing windows and airing out the house. I do pack away winter stuff and haul out the warm weather clothes.

BrendaReeves on 03/23/2012

I find it funny that there are people who don't know what spring cleaning is. I started to write an article on this subject, but chucked it. I'm really not into cleaning, but I'd sure like to hire someone to do it for me.

Lissie on 03/22/2012

I open windows regularly - daily in our bedroom unless the weather is atrocious - but spring cleaning hmmm - not so much!

terrilorah on 03/22/2012

Thanks Angel, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who spring cleans. You have given me faith that it isn't a lost art. Thanks for your comment.

Angel on 03/22/2012

Oh how I love to open the windows at the first hint of Spring and get out the cleaning stuff. I have been doing that all week. Makes me feel so much better about my home. My grandmother taught me to spring clean...LOL.. there are so many younger girls out there that have no idea about spring cleaning. My nieces look at me like I am crazy.. Oh well... I might not have known if my grandmother had not taught me... great article.

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