Setting up a home office can be a major part of any freelance business and you want to strike a good balance between comfort, expense and getting everything that’s needed. You’ll need to have the correct tools whatever industry you’re working in and this will make things a lot easier. Below you can read all about some essential equipment for freelancers, from ergonomic furniture to quality label printers.

Essential equipment for freelancers
by BrendaHart
Working for yourself can be the ultimate freedom, but your equipment is one thing you need to make sure you get right.
A good computer
This sounds like an obvious one, as in today’s working world it is essential. If you’re going to be doing a lot of computer-based work make sure you invest in a good desktop and you’ll be able to design your own PC to the specifications you need. A reliable internet connection is vital too, so check out your local service providers to find the best package to suit your needs.
Laptops are also a vital tool, especially if you’re going to be heading out to meetings. The rule of thumb is: do your research and make sure you get a model that does everything you need.
The right software
This is another vital area. You need to get software that matches your needs. For example, if you’re a designer, look at buying the best design software on the market.
Anyone who is working for themselves needs to maintain a database of contacts. This doesn’t mean you have to invest hundreds of pounds on a complicated package, but it does mean you need a programme that can maintain your contacts, even if that means just getting to grips with Excel and Outlook.
A label printer
A label printer will always come in handy for anyone who is freelancing. They can save you time if you’re having to post a lot of correspondence, and anything with your logo on will look much more professional if it’s printed from a label printer. Visit the South East Labels website for an example of the range of label makers on offer and what you might use them for. Once you’ve got one you’ll quickly realise the benefits of quality label printers and how they can be very useful for your freelance business.
Correct ergonomic furniture
Comfort is key, especially if you’re going to be doing a lot of work at a desk. Carefully pick out chairs, desks and footrests that will help your posture when you work. If you don’t, you’re risking back and neck problems that may put you out of action. Neglect this at your peril!
What would be the most essential piece of equipment for you?
Resource box
Business and self-employed
Everything you need to know about being self-employed from
Budgeting Tips for Freelancers
Advice from Business Matters.
How to set up the perfect home office
Some key tips about setting up a home office from Virgin.
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