Planning a date is always hard, especially if you just started dating or when you are in a long- distance relationship. For both occasions you really want to make an impression. Cooking a meal for someone is a great way of showing how much you care about them. It takes time and imagination which should make a lasting impression on your date. Here are a few romantic dishes for inspiration.

How to singlehandedly woo your partner with food
by BrendaHart
The ultimate resolution to a lonely or a distant heart is through food.
Tasting plate to share
There is something very enjoyable about sharing your food. The different tastes and textures turn a regular meal in to a culinary experience. It also provides you with something to talk about in case you are nervous at the start of a date. Be creative when you compose a tasting plate and think of global delicacies. If you are unsure consult a cookbook or combine Spanish tapas with Greek mezze to be on the safe side.
A tender steak with country fresh vegetables
Men and women alike can make a statement with this dish. Men portray themselves as real men, who know their meat. Women on the other hand show they like food and are not living on salad to stay skinny. Although based on single stereotypes it is based on a very accurate one. Besides cooking the perfect steak takes time and effort and shows what a great cook you are at any rate.
Spaghetti for two
We all know to never order spaghetti on a date. So you shouldn’t prepare it for a date either. It is way too messy and difficult to eat. Only serve spaghetti if you prefer to stay single by the end of the date. Spaghetti has only made it to this list because of the scene from Disney’s lady& the tramp. Our favourite couple of all times.
A couple of sushi treats
Sushi is the perfect combination of colour, taste and texture. It is very healthy and light so you don’t end up with a heavy stomach after the meal. You can teach each other to eat with chopsticks and share the different types. Besides, it is difficult to prepare so you will gain points before even serving it. This plate is leaving the others behind by a distance.
Extraordinary truffles
Truffles are a rare and expensive delicacy. Therefore they can turn the most basic meal in to haut cuisine. Add a few truffles to a light pasta dish and it will taste and look absolutely gorgeous. Truffles are definitely a good choice for sweeping a food connoisseur off his or her feet. Add a few of them to a light dish and serve with a round strong wine.
Tempting oysters
There is something very sensual about eating an oyster. The smooth, delicate texture and the rough shell will send you a couple of levels higher in food heaven. No wonder why they are a well-known aphrodisiac all over the world.
Sweet strawberries
A single strawberry on its own is nothing special. But as soon as you dip it in to chocolate or whipped cream the juicy fruit turns in to a food group of its own. Dipped strawberries are a great dessert or sweet treat on the side.
Lovely desserts
Everyone likes desserts and they are a great way to end an evening with. Just imagine a large sundae with two spoons or a small chocolate fountain. It is a way to get closer and more intimate with each other just by sharing delicious food.
After this date it should be safe to say the two singles will most certainly become one loved up couple. If you are in a relationship and using this article to bring back the romance in a long distance relationship: than also read the article 5 New Years Resolutions for the Distance Couple for more inspiration.
Is food the way to someone's heart?
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food is definitely a good way how to get me... love food!
Food is such an emotional thing, we are nurtured and cared for by food. It makes us well, grow and provides us with energy. We all love good food the better the food the better the experience. So yes food does appeal to the hearts and romantic in us all. Connecting over great food is magical. Love it! :)K
I agree with Sarah, the dessert is the key!
it's all about the dessert!