Exercise Your Brain-Tips for Keeping Your Brain Sharp

by ebaygranny

If you are looking for ways to keep your brain sharp and alert as you age, this article will sharp 5 top tips to keep focused and have fun.

Making sure that your brain is staying sharp and alert while you age is important. But sometimes we don't know what to do to keep our minds in tip top form. This article shares fun and engaging ways to not only keep your brain sharp but to also grow your brain even bigger!

exercise your brain
exercise your brain

As you get older, your brain does not retain things as well as it used to. You may find that some days you can remember a decade ago as if it just happened and yet in the same instance, you can't recall what you had for breakfast that morning. There is so much to the brain that doctors and scientists are still doing research daily and will probably never untap everything there is to know.

So, how do you keep your brain sharp as your body ages? There are a few good tips you can follow to keep your brain in prime working condition and your memory strong.

1. Spend time daily reading. This could be the newspaper at breakfast or a chapter of your favorite mystery novel or historical saga an hour before you go to bed. Even if you only have 15 minutes to read an article or short story while waiting in a line or sitting at a doctor's office. The important key is to keep your brain engaged in thinking about what you are reading so it will retain and process the words.

2. Practice doing some brain teasers. Video and computer games can sometimes have a bad rep, but you don't necessarily have to play all action games. You can find some brain teasers that will help strengthen your mind and they can become both addictive and entertaining. If you are feeling especially swift, you could challenge someone online to a game and get a big thrill when you outsmart a younger person.

3. Learn a new word every day. This could be in your native language or by choosing to learn a new language. This can be both a challenge and a joy as you can start up new conversations with people with your new knowledge and enjoy conversations you may never have had before.

4. Walk around the house with a blindfold on. Depending on your age, you may or may not want to take part in this activity. But this is a great way to test your brains recall powers and hones your motor skills and reasoning abilities as you maneuver around your home. The first few times you try this out may seem a little daunting but the more you do it, the more you will have fun.

5.Get plenty of exercise and eat properly. This goes without saying but as we age, we often find that a proper meal or what used to be a simple walk around the block can become more of a task then then were before. But you need to keep your body in top working order if you want your brain to be in tip top shape as well. Also the importance of getting a good night sleep is crucial. You can no longer pull all nighters like back in college or you may find that your brain may be wrapped in a fog. The more exercise you get, the more oxygen can reach your brain and the increased blood flow from your workout will get your brain functioning on an exceptional level. It also helps to make your brain grow!

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There are many ways you can train your brain for top performance such as practice meditation, try a new trip to work and try to memorize the streets, getting romantic has proven to be a great brain boost for women,stop watching a lot of tv, and finally, perhaps try memorizing a new song. Have you found a fun way to keep your brain super alert that you would like to share? We would love to hear it.

Updated: 05/10/2012, ebaygranny
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