Imagine that you decided as a child that you wanted to talk to yourself as an adult... What do you mean that you did?
Yes, I know. We all did.
And as adults, we really wish we could nip back to deliver a few words of advice (and the odd stern lecture), which would inevitably end up turning us into totally different people. Then we might not go back and have the chat. Which would cause a paradox and the end of time and space.
But back to the plot. Imagine that you not only wished to talk to your adult self, but fetched a camcorder and recorded your side of said conversation.
Then, twenty years later, hunting through a drawer of old VHS videos, you found that video. That's precisely what happened to Comédie de Caen film-maker Jeremiah McDonald and this is the result.
What would you say if you could chat with your twelve year old self?
I'm glad that you liked it. I've just checked. He's up to 6m hits on his video now!
A fantastic thought provoking article. Thanks for sharing the great link too
I've not read that one. Though your description has me buzzing with questions. I'd better find it and read it forthwith!
Somehow this reminds me of Richard Bach's book, "Running From Safety". Fifty years ago, he had made a promise to come back through time and teach himself everything he had learned from living. The pledge was forgotten until the day when, midair in his paraglider, Richard met Dickie Bach, age nine, who expected the promise to be kept...
Utterly fascinating and inspiring book.