Foods to avoid during pregnancy

by Mujjen

While pregnant, there are certain foods that can be harmful to either the mother or the baby. Find out what food to avoid when pregnant.

A few things to think about when pregnant

Certain foods need to be avoided

pregnant woman eating vegetablesDuring pregnancy, you need to pay close attention to your diet. Everything you put in your mouth will somehow end up with the baby. Some foods you should be careful to include in your diet, such as food containing calcium and vitamins. Other foods need to be eliminated from your diet, for different reasons.

While this can be tough for some women, it is well worth the effort. Once you know what to eat and what to avoid, you can relax. There is a lot of food that is perfectly safe during pregnancy- enjoy!


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Raw or uncooked meat and poultry

All meat and poultry you eat should be well-cooked. There are certain bacterias that disappear only by heat, thus the need of caution. Listeria, for example, can cause miscarriage or even the death of a new born baby.

Because of hormonal changes in your body, you are also more likely to suffer badly if you get food-poisoning. While it usually does not affect the baby directly, your being sick will impede nourishment to be transported to the uterus- something you do not want to happen. 

Fish and seafood

sushiAs with meat, all fish and seafood should be properly cooked before consumption. Especially stay away from raw clams and oysters.

With fish and seafood there is also the problem with mercury and toxins. Certain fish tend to accumulate more than others, especially fatty fish. It is recommended to limit the intake of fish to two or three times a week, and completely stay away from shark, swordfish, mackerel and tilefish. Check with the local authorities if you eat local fish. They can usually give  you an indication of the safety of the local waters.


(Sushi Picture Credit)

Different aspects of pregnancy

Being pregnant is not a sickness, but you need to customize your life a little bit to stay healthy.
Does it make any difference how old you are when having children? Is it better to be old or young?
Morning sickness and heartburn are probably among the most common inconveniences during pregnancy. The suffering can be lessened by these few, natural tips.

Eggs and Dairy Products

Eggs and dairy products should be pasteurized before eating. Pay attention to certain cheeses that traditionally are eaten without pasteurization, such as Camembert, Feta or Mexican style cheeses.

Eggs could contain salmonella, which can cause serious sickness. Only eat cooked eggs. Be aware of food that often contain raw eggs, like home-made mayonnaise or ice-cream.

Brie made of pasteurized milk

Made in America
Brie (2 pounds) by

A Brie made of pasteurized milk is an imitation of or an alternative to the famous Brie de Meaux. The Bries from President are made in the USA and are very popular. The soft ...


Coffee and Alcohol

cup of coffeeResearch shows that both caffeine and alcohol are found in higher concentration in the baby's blood after the mother has consumed them, than in her own blood. This is because the baby's body and organs are so much smaller, it takes longer time to break down these substances. Therefore, pregnant women are recommended to completely stay away from caffeineated drinks and alcohol, especially the latter. Of course, binge drinking or excessive drinking is most dangerous, but even moderate drinking can have adverse effects on the baby.


(Picture Credit)

Great reading about your pregnancy diet

The 100 Healthiest Foods to Eat During Pregnancy: The Surprising Unbiased Truth about Foods You ...

Eat the best foods for your baby’s development! Nutrition is never more critical than during pregnancy. What you choose to put on your plate affects you and your baby’s health ...

$21.0  $8.99
Feeding Baby Green: The Earth Friendly Program for Healthy, Safe Nutrition During Pregnancy, ...

The new "baby feeding bible" from the award-wining author of Raising Baby Green Called the "Al Gore of Parenting" by Parenting Magazine, Dr. Alan Greene has written the follow ...

$15.27  $1.99
Eating for Pregnancy: The Essential Nutrition Guide and Cookbook for Today's Mothers-to-Be

Winner of Mom’s Choice Award in Pregnancy/Childbirth Category Every pregnant woman understands that what she eats and drinks affects the baby developing within her. Yet as a ...

$8.43  $5.5

Some links to pregnancy sites

Read more about what food to avoid when pregnant

Updated version of a classic book

A Child Is Born

This completely revised edition of the beloved international classic is now entirely in color, with historic, never-before-seen photos in every chapter and an entirely new ...

$23.97  $14.32
Updated: 08/19/2012, Mujjen
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Rose on 03/04/2014

Yes. When cooking, make sure everything is piping hot and well done, and you'll be safe.

ajgodinho on 10/14/2011

Nice short and sweet, yet informative page on foods to avoid during pregnancy!

barbarab on 09/20/2011

excellent suggestions!

irenemaria on 09/20/2011

Some dishes I knew about but much is new to me. Thanks for the education!

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